The Fake Fall of Rome

1 year ago

Award Winning Amazon Paperback Explains How the Romans are the Aliens Who Frontiered the Earth Long Ago.

The events detailed in this book/video have been simplified to cut through the distractions and rewrites of history and religions. Unvarnished facts are presented to be real, not to hate or love any particular group, race, or religion.

The simple and OBVIOUS history of Earth has been veiled in a cloak of secrecy ever since the Fake Fall of Rome. The planetary owners do not wish to be known to you. They tired of the Earthly Humans always begging and wanting. They do not directly interact with Humans, they only interact through their pawns.

These facts came from history books, the history channel, various religious texts and the ancient cuneiform tablets. The oldest writings tell it all. You can easily see that history has been deleted and rewritten many times and that various control strategies have been implemented over time.

Zecharia Sitchin brought the most ancient information to light. I recommend you read all of his books. I have read “The Lost Book of Enki” at least 25 times and I glean something new every time I read it.

Here are some terms that will help make it an easier read for you:
Abzu = Africa
Enki = Yahweh, Earth’s Master, Ea, Nudimmud, Odin, Wotan, Neptune, Poseidon, Rank 40, Fish
Enlil = Muhammed, Lord of the Command, Rank 50, Bull
Marduk = Ra, Ram
Ningishzidda = Thoth, Tehuti, Quetzalcoatl, Winged Serpent, Hermes, Mercury
Lahmu = Mars
Lahamu = Earth’s Moon
ME = a crystal storage device (like a CD or a USB thumb drive)
Sacred Precincts = Churches
Shar = 3,600 years, it is one orbit of the planet Nibiru - The Planet of a Million years. (This is my only argument with Sitchin – I believe this to be 3,600 Days or basically 10 years).

The framework of my understanding stems from Sitchin's work.

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