John Stuart Mill's Politics, A Short Summary

1 year ago

Utilitarianism, Autonomy, Mastery, Security
Higher VS Lower Pleasures

John Stuart Mill and the Utilitarian / Liberal Political Philosophy

Utilitarianism, Perfectionism, Paternalism
Higher & Lower Pleasures
Psychological Egoism
Act Utilitarianism, Rule Utilitarianism, Sanction Utilitarianism
Proportionality Criterion, Punishability Criterion
Duty, Rights, Harm Principle
Harm VS Offense
Self & Other Regarding Actions
Liberalism, Subjection of Women

Mill: the tyranny of the majority, higher pleasures, harm principle, critique of natural rights, the subjection of women; defence of free speech.

#mill #utilitarianism #liberalism
#Utiliratianism #Autonomy #Mastery

Alexander Koryagin, April 2021
(JSMill short seminar 2021 04 05)

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