…peru is under attack from inter dimensional aliens?

10 months ago

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peru is under attack from inter dimentional aliens
10.06 ivermectin and worms
10.29 paranormal footage
11.06 military global exercise
13.41 your job replacement is only a few years away
15.55 kfc and devil
17.32 world coin or now
18.39 lime and chia seeds
19.05 perfect vison
19.34 lepresy florida
20.16 lymph nodes and cancer
20.33 new bullshit variant
21.45 obama care was it child trafficking
23.26 john kerry gets owned
25.20 kennedy nails it
26.46 who is blackrock
29.06 knock on wood
29.45 we are not running out of water
30.42 lakes hiding stuff
33.00 ulez no one is un happy
33.25 legal action against chemtrails
35.43 TULSI GABBARD -- 09 AUG 2023 -- total destruction
37.18 hawai directed energy weapons again
39.25 hawai fires
40.22 haarp Alaska
42.28 pupet on a string
43.22 lbgtq bolloxand black rock
44.05 lgbtq gay against child grooming
45.02 south afrika She lost her father, mother, grandmother and grandfather in a #FarmMurder. Murdered by black people
47.02 south afrika This is a message from Mariandra Heunis. Her husband Johan, was killed in a #farmattack in front of her and her 6 yr old.
49.22 london has fallen
51.37 italian music in a café

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…peru is under attack from inter dimensional aliens?

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