KTR 60-Second Spot: Congressman accuses John Kerry of grifting from "climate change"

10 months ago

Since the 60’s there’s a continuous roll of predicted catastrophies, all spelling certain doom?

What happened to the famine?
And the ice age?
And the ozone hole?
And Acid Rain was going to kill all the fish
Then the ice caps were going to disappear,
Oil was supposed to run out – except, it didn’t
... and who can forget the killer bees?

Because of so many failed predictions, now we just have “CLIMATE CHANGE.”

Today, America has a Special Envoy for Climate - JOHN KERRY. Nobody elected him. The senate never approved him.

Without accountability, he talks climate when what he really means is globalism.

Representative Scott Perry has a great response when Kerry uses a logical fallacy to imply spending trillions on this is the right thing to do.

Perry says Kerry is grifting ... just like all the others who are pushing for "climate change" hype.

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