KTR 60-Second Spot: Male "chestfeeding." Because nature.

10 months ago

The venerated CDC is now providing information so doctors can help men who want kids sucking on their nipples to actually produce milk and feed babies.

On one hand, one purpose of the CDC is education, ensuring science reaches the public.

But is this science? Nature is not about feelings nor public sexual fantasies. Nature is nature.

The long-term effects of infants consuming milk produced by chemically-induced lactation in men are unknown. Regular Human milk meets the developmental needs of infants, The nervous system, immune, and endocrine systems interact in highly complex ways. but the presence of androgens and the consequences of consuming such milk are yet to be studied.

Remember when they rushed that mRNA – um .. you know … to market?
Six countries in Europe have placed restrictions on that product -- because it was rushed to market and ... you know -- side effects occurred.

Maybe instead of forcing something we should just let nature take its course?

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