The Road to Hell, Parts I and II ~ Get Off the Highway to Hell & Return to the Mother...

1 year ago

The Road to Hell, Parts I and II, are from Chris Rea's Brilliant 1989 Album, The Road to Hell, which is considered by myself, and Most Critics, to be one of the very Best Rock Albums Ever Released, with album sales, worldwide, in excess of 10 Million Copies...

EVERY SINGLE SONG on this album is even more pertinent Right Now, than they were back in '89, with the General Theme of Seeking for God being the Whole Purpose of the Album, being thwarted, constantly, by Society itself...and each song is a masterpiece unto itself, especially the Album's Closer, Tell Me There's a Heaven...

Within this Stunning Song of Truth, Chris Rea broke it into two Parts, and in Part One, the Narrator, trapped in his Car within LA, becomes acutely aware of his One True Mother, Mother Earth, in the form of his Born Mother, coming to him and asking him Why was he here in the City of Lost Angels, the following is what ensued...

'Well, she walked up to my quarter light and she bent down real slow
A fearful pressure paralysed me in my shadows,
She said: Son, what are you doing here?
My fear for you has turned me in my grave,
I said: Mama, I come to the valley of the rich, myself to sell,
She said: Son, this is the road to Hell...'

While in Part II of the Song, the shortened version that became a Top 10 Single around the World, the Narrator, now Awakened from his Stupor, by this Ethereal Visit from The Mother, describes what He Sees, Clearly Now, in the World that is 'Out There'...

'Well I'm standing by a river
But the water doesn't flow
It boils with every poison you can think of
And I'm underneath the streetlights
But the light of joy I know
Scared beyond belief way down in the shadows
And the perverted fear of violence
Chokes a smile on every face
And common sense is ringing out the bells
This ain't no technological breakdown
Oh no, this is the Road to Hell'

Again, in 1989, Chris Rea wrote a Perfect Song of Truth, on a Perfect Album of Truths, that laid out, BLATANTLY SO, precisely what was happening within our Diseased World, to a 'T', and how the Answer lay with Connecting back to our One True Mother and our One True Father...

Enjoy this Classic Tale of Truth,

Love, CF

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Enjoy, Love, CF

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