Insider Update Maui | Check Description

1 year ago

Lahaina, Maui Update: I am in Hawaii now and speaking to numerous insiders and locals. Here is the shocking news:

The amount of fatalities is confirmed to be 67 currently, but is expected to be more than 500 but less than 1000.

Many of the fatalities will be children who were at home because they canceled school. Parents worked and were not there to evacuate the children. Kids had no idea they needed to leave and by the time they noticed their homes or apartments were on fire, it was too late.

The government is worried about how we will react when we learn that the fire department left the fire earlier in the day and claimed it was 100% contained knowing that the winds were expected to be 70mph by the afternoon. This is against all fire control protocols. The fire department should not have left the original fire unattended. They are scared that the public calls for accountability will be more than they can control and protests and riots will occur.

They plan to lock down Lahaina for several months. It will take months to clean up the hazardous and environmental contamination. They won’t have enough housing for the displaced.

There were 2,000 unaccounted for this morning. They accounted for 700 of the missing today. But there are still 1300 missing.

Three options as to what happened in Lāhainā:
1. Like Corruptifornia, they never upgraded the infrastructure and pocketed the cash instead. (I have direct evidence this is the case because about a week ago, before the fires, I saw a post on IG where Lahaina had numerous broken power lines because they were never replaced or fixed).
2. New World Order globalists used Directed Energy Weapons.
3. Most likely it is BOTH 1 and 2.

God bless our Maui Ohana and Lahaina! Please Pray for all the victims and their families.

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