Article Video - Americans ----Stop Citing Federal Code - Friday, August 11, 2023 By Anna Von Reitz

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Article Video - Americans ----Stop Citing Federal Code - Friday, August 11, 2023 By Anna Von Reitz

The only people who (generally-speaking) have to obey and pay attention to Federal Code are Federal Employees.

That should be pretty obvious, but where people get confused is that in a small percentage of circumstances, Federal Code DOES apply to people who are otherwise not obligated.

This is because about 8% of all Federal Code ever published (specifically those things that are published in the Congressional Record as opposed to the Federal Register) concern the special circumstances wherein an otherwise average American becomes subject to Federal Code.

We become subject to Federal Code when we voluntarily enter Federal buildings and other enclaves. Every time you enter a Post Office, for example, you are on their turf and are expected to honor their law.

Same way when we enter army bases and other government facilities. It's their little bubble and while in their bubble, we have to obey their rules.

The same applies when you engage -- voluntarily --- always note that it has to be voluntary on your part -- in the interstate manufacture, transportation, or sale of "federally regulated substances" which are limited in our case to: alcohol, tobacco, and firearms.

Note that intrastate (activities occurring totally within your State of the Union) manufacture, transportation or sale of alcohol, tobacco and firearms in-state is NOT subject to any federal regulation.

The State of State organizations try to horn in and pretend that they are acting as custodians of the State interest and sneak in compliance with whatever their parent corporations are selling, like restrictions on marijuana and hemp products, for example --- but they actually have no contract to act as custodians and now that our State Assemblies are in Session, the State Assemblies get to speak to the activities of the State of State organizations purportedly undertaken on our behalf.

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