Article Video - Double Meanings for Different Things - Wednesday, August 9, 2023 By Anna Von Reitz

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Article Video - Double Meanings for Different Things - Wednesday, August 9, 2023 By Anna Von Reitz

My Readers are no strangers to the kinds of deceitful games the rats play with words and names, so it should come as no surprise that the same applies to entire phrases and definitions.

Let me offer some helpful guidance through this morass of misspeak and run through an example that is currently causing a lot of problems.

David Straight has encouraged millions of people, especially U.S. Citizens, to "correct" their political status to that of an "American State National". He has done this on the basis of Federal Code found in Title 8--- 8 USC 1101 (a) (21) --(I think) but regardless of the exact citation, the point is that--- Number One, he has justified this on the basis of Federal Code.

Now, other people, also citing Federal Codes have come forward and said, "No, no, no! You can get in trouble making a claim to be an American State National....and they then cite their Federal Code sources, saying, the term "American State National" only applies to American Samoans, etc.

It's a typical Federal Code Ballywhump, where nobody is reading the Code correctly and where people are not being helped, because they don't have the tools to sort out the verbiage.

And both parties are right --- to an extent.

Let's begin with the fact that Federal Code does not apply to Joe Average in any broad way.

You, American, eating your lunch beside a railroad track, may have unknowingly come into physical Federal jurisdiction, or maybe you knowingly entered Federal jurisdiction by going to the Post Office, and therefore need to obey the Federal Codes attached to those environs.

You might actually be engaged in interstate commerce, though that is unlikely and an unnecessary supposition.

You might be engaged in the manufacture, sale, or transportation of alcohol, tobacco, or firearms across state lines.

You might be operating a boat or ship or barge.

You might be licensed as a Uniformed Officer, like a Medical Doctor or Registered Nurse.

But, the point is, aside from such special occupations and locations, the vast majority of you are not "generally subject" to Federal Code.

Federal Code applies to Federal employees and their direct dependents -- either military or Federal Civil Service.

Now doesn't that make sense? Federal Code applies to Federal Employees. Just like Federal Income means profits derived from Federal employment.

So that is the first issue: the use of Federal Code when talking about or to Joe Average American is generally speaking not appropriate. Patriots constantly make this mistake and it is a Big Mistake.

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