How much does housing cost in LIVERMORE CA? All different types of housing in Livermore!

1 year ago

All different types of housing available in Livermore CA! Everything from 1 bedroom condos in the $500,000 range all the way up to custom estates in the $5,000,000 and up range! Livermore is a great city for all levels of home buying and is sure to have options for everybody!

I am very active on all social media channels! You can copy and paste the links below to find my pages!

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📲 I have so many people reaching out to me who are moving here to the Tri-Valley Area and I ABSOLUTELY love it! Honestly, if you are moving or relocating here to the Tri-Valley or any of the surrounding cities I can make that transition so much easier on you!

Reach out ANYTIME, I never stop working for you!!

Cooper Eisenmann
📲 650.922.7583

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