Massive Energies flowing in Big Spike on Schumann Charts at 87 hz

9 months ago

Paul White Gold Eagle
Massive energetics are flowing into the field from the most High and expanding out from Gaia’s Crystalline Core. All energies meet and merge in the Middle, the Center of the Sacred Hoop. We have big spikes of white light appearing on the Schumann Charts today at amplitudes of 36 hz, 58 hz, 2 pulses at 77 hz creating a 1414: Portal of the 55 and a big blast at 87 hz. Fifth Dimensional Angelic Codes fully anchoring in. Allow these energies to move freely and smoothly, like water, through your Sacred Vessel, feel the flow of Chi through your meridians and let them carry you consciously to the Other Shore of Enlightenment. Mission Freedom Earth is in full Force Now and we are at the precipice of Liberation for all Sentient beings of New Earth. Shine on Diamond Minds of Buddha Consciousness…A’Ho!

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