1 year ago

U B Ready
PO Box 579
Rutland VT 05702

U B Ready


Luke 21:34-36
34  And take heed to yourselves, lest at any time your hearts be overcharged with surfeiting, and drunkenness, and cares of this life, and so that day comes upon you unawares.
35  For as a snare shall it come on all them that dwell on the face of the whole earth.
36  Watch ye therefore, and pray always, that ye may be accounted worthy to escape all these things that shall come to pass, and to stand before the Son of man.

My son, hear and write these words to WARN MY CHILDREN THAT DARKNESS APPROACHES.

This DARKNESS is unlike anything ever seen on earth in modern times.  This DARKNESS is thick and has life.  It moves and covers the earth, and all that enter it will be crushed by the pressure of evil.  Within this thick DARKNESS, death is king.

This DARKNESS once fell upon Egypt and took the first born, but this DARKNESS I speak of now will take ALL who are out in it.

My son, tell My children to TRUST IN ME.  As I kept the children of Israel safe during that DARKNESS, I will keep those I have marked safe during this DARKNESS.  Many will be caught unaware as the DARKNESS approaches, and the evil within will overwhelm them.

This DARKNESS is the DEMONIC FORCES that have been loosed during this period of the tribulation.  They will consume ALL who walk in the DARKNESS.  This DARKNESS will appear as thick black smoke or fog, and will cover the entire earth.

My son, this DARKNESS comes from man wanting to open portals into other dimensions - but instead - open the gates of hell to loose upon the world great evil.  Those in My body that have seen CERN - have seen correctly. 

(Note: See video Con-CERN-ing from 06/30/22. I will also be recording/posting the vision Dark Matter.)  

This technology is from fallen angels who seek nothing more than to destroy ALL My creation.

Beware of false prophets who speak lies to lead My children away from the truth, just as Hannaniah spoke lies to lead the children of Judah away from the truth.  Many have fallen for the lies of those speaking of greatness to come.


My son, continue to warn My children and tell them to prepare - for DARKNESS APPROACHES.

SHOUT REPENT NOW!  Have your lamps full and your wicks trimmed.  This JUDGMENT OF DARKNESS is to wake up My children out of their sleeping and to seek Me in prayer.

During this DARKNESS, I will visit my REMNANT and prepare them for what lies ahead.  Seek Me in all things and stay on your knees in prayer.


Lord Jesus

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