How to heal from porn addiction

1 year ago

To heal from a porn addiction, you will start by building a new brain-body connection. Putting your mind and your thoughts back into the sensations you are feeling in your own body. This may take some practice, but in the long run you will feel more empowered and sexually satisfied.

00:00 how to heal from porn addiction.
00:36 it is when your sexuality is completely associated to external images.
01:10 It is normal for a man to feel his sexual energy as a giving energy
01:45 Learn how to feel your body again
03:32 Our experience of ourselves in our bodies gives us a sense of spiritual wholeness
04:30 Learn to feel your own body and your own pleasure
05:53 we will work with the penis and not treat it as a machine
06:46 You will be a better lover when you are more sensitive to sensation
07:50 feel that all of you is present in your penis
10:25 Forgive yourself

I have created an online course for men to delicately guide them back into their bodies, their energy and their pleasure. Learn to harness the power of your sexual energy. In this self-study process over several weeks you will re-program your body-mind connection to work for you, not against you.

All other courses

#conscioussex #pornaddiction #malesexuality

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