Why You Must Get Rich During The A.I. Revolution

1 year ago

Welcome to "The Brendan Ecker Influence," where entrepreneur, author, and police officer Brendan Ecker takes you on a thought-provoking journey into the future, shaped by AI and robotics.

In this captivating episode, join us as we delve into the possibilities of A.I, and what it brings to the human race, showcasing how AI art, NFTs, chatbots, automation tools, and robots can reshape industries and elevate your success. Explore the potential of AI chatbots like ChatGPT and Google Bard, and learn how they're revolutionizing today's world.

Brendan's insights extend to the realm of subscription-based AI platforms, where he uncovers tools that can enhance your marketing, reviews, and customer interactions. He also sheds light on groundbreaking AI research programs, from DeepMind's AlphaFold to Boston Dynamics' robots, DARPA's military innovations, Sophia, and Neuralink's brain-computer interfaces.

[00:00] - Intro
[00:36] - Disclaimer
[01:09] - The AI Takeover
[02:12] - AI Chatbots: ChatGPT and Bard
[07:05] - The Power of AI
[07:44] - The Rise of B2B/B2C Subscription Automation Companies
[08:01] - Klaviyo
[08:34] - Loox Reviews
[09:08] - Eleven Labs
[09:47] - Apollo.io
[10:06] - Vidyo.ai
[10:55] - Quillbot
[11:19] - Epidemic Sound
[12:05] - AI Robots
[12:10] - Pepper
[12:45] - Moxie
[13:07] - Don’t Be Left Behind
[14:20] - Promotion
[15:10] - AI Research Programs
[15:43] - DeepMind AlphaFold
[16:56] - Boston Dynamics: Atlas
[17:16] - Spot
[18:18] - DARPA
[18:52] - GHOST
[19:04] - AIR
[19:33] - Hanson Robotics
[19:55] - Neuralink
[22:04] - Final Remarks

Insta: @eck3r17
TicTok: @BrendanEcker
Linked-In: @BrendanEcker
Facebook: @BrendanEcker
Snapchat: @brendanecker035
Twitter: @ecker17
Patreon: @BrendanEcker

ChatGPT - https://chat.openai.com/
Google Bard - https://bard.google.com/
Klaviyo - https://www.googleadservices.com/pagead/aclk?sa=L&ai=DChcSEwi19tTFw9aAAxXJ85QJHcCPCScYABACGgJ5bQ&gclid=Cj0KCQjwuNemBhCBARIsADp74QTSMz1NilwsLQb5A_IdZcr8xSIYyBBII6gfWh0Km1g4IfFzOY4BbZwaAvuJEALw_wcB&ohost=www.google.com&cid=CAESbeD2HpLiJNuV8Nx90tY3mrW8RFTeWXPSiRfqnLxOnNRRiad9scRB6Oyacd2t2UddNdRc1DYznrfn3w5m3VYhw-bsXkEqjfXwLmmQe90_GvX6dbgSWpPKVxRKjUJV_vnV6I4e5RrC8Ns5OcVUbxQ&sig=AOD64_1zAweH5dxcGGSzVRsxHoydEhDEcQ&q&adurl&ved=2ahUKEwiq583Fw9aAAxVykYkEHc3ZDQgQ0Qx6BAgPEAE&nis=2
Loox Reviews- https://loox.app/
Quillbot - https://quillbot.com/
Eleven Labs - https://elevenlabs.io/
Apollo.io - https://www.apollo.io/
Vidyo.ai - https://vidyo.ai/
Epidemic Sound - https://www.epidemicsound.com/music/featured/
Pepper - https://us.softbankrobotics.com/pepper
Moxie - https://www.googleadservices.com/pagead/aclk?sa=L&ai=DChcSEwjrjb6txNaAAxUd5eMHHS15BW4YABABGgJ5bQ&ae=2&gclid=Cj0KCQjwuNemBhCBARIsADp74QQDV0GvvdrDbQHJtXnv0DfJsUURwjvwS6vabCMA5_AG2lcn7f8cgIIaAtlvEALw_wcB&ohost=www.google.com&cid=CAESbeD2xowHNliLM0P2y5kYrAhw7rI_aRNR28qmkUWt33LyVacaqoXnvmxp3XZcI8A35PL1ka6G_3swARVYRG_Wk4Yu8mWHgl0zNGkftfUGPCY0i1I09snrjSBpx0ZqquDBuKdVgGPagegeZ5hVDgY&sig=AOD64_2jk0PeyEUxD1j-PLEn6k30pkBT6A&q&adurl&ved=2ahUKEwi6jrOtxNaAAxUwkokEHaC_AJgQ0Qx6BAgPEAE&nis=8&dct=1
DeepMind AlphaFold - https://www.deepmind.com/research/highlighted-research/alphafold
Boston Dynamics - https://www.googleadservices.com/pagead/aclk?sa=L&ai=DChcSEwj465--xNaAAxW_CLMAHTjXDzUYABAAGgJ5bQ&ae=2&gclid=Cj0KCQjwuNemBhCBARIsADp74QSg78QFH7jGve4_Z-FyTq7dMJ5qQiKDoaYPTOuHn8v2-OHjsX70MpYaAtSkEALw_wcB&ohost=www.google.com&cid=CAESbeD2xHVlMPPLnPxo7vA1IFEfn25m9BcRRhuiW8vtndnOJGozn67XCXYokPkV5iifPM4ykVxkHRcpD-Umk4zzMu_zLI48igS4RqQR9Ze4OXoQsr42Vc5Efliwb8V4uvHiDXQi-x9ee-bWidX-wgo&sig=AOD64_2pkey7AP3FTY7RbaqrZkOM5GpiYw&q&adurl&ved=2ahUKEwiZl5i-xNaAAxVulokEHT9QDlAQ0Qx6BAgOEAM&nis=2&dct=1
Atlas - atlas
Spot - https://bostondynamics.com/products/spot/
DARPA - https://www.darpa.mil/
Hanson Robotics - Sophia - sophia
Neuralink - https://neuralink.com/

The content shared in "The Brendan Ecker Influence" is for educational and entertainment purposes only. All copyrighted material used in this episode is credited to their respective owners and is used in accordance with the "fair use" policy for transformative commentary and analysis.

Please note that Brendan Ecker does not receive any financial compensation, endorsements, or affiliate income from the companies mentioned in this video. The opinions expressed are solely those of Brendan Ecker and do not represent the views or endorsements of any third party.

Brendan Ecker is not a financial advisor, and the content should not be considered as financial advice, but rather, informative, entertaining, and educational.

#AI #artificialintelligence #robot #technology #business #entrepreneurship #ecommerce #ecommercebusiness #lifestyle #marketing #advertising #sales #finance #education #entertainment #society #mindset #chatgpt #bard #darpa #bostondynamics #hansonrobotics #neuralink #atlas #spot #klaviyo #looxreviews #epidemicsound #deepmind

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