Millionaire Morning Routine | Rich People's Habits | Habit Formation

1 year ago

How to make more money? They say that the morning is the most important part of the day. And rich people always get the most out of the early hours. Well, actually, that's why they're rich. Chaotic morning always messes up the rest of the day, and you can't be productive. So if your plan is to become rich, the millionaire morning routine is exactly what you need.


Things you should do every morning 1:09


Becoming an early bird 2:30

Trying to meditate without falling asleep 3:00

Quick workout and a cold shower. Grrr! 3:37

My favorite part of my new morning routine 4:04

Spend weekends to your advantage 4:37

One of the best ways to achieve the inner balance 5:15

The rules I created 6:28

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