The Science of Peace | The Maintenance of Justice

1 year ago

#peace #conflict #economics

The law that’s absolutely supreme, inescapable, and eternal is natural law. We can only have justice if natural law is followed. You are free to act so long as you don’t interfere with the rights of others. We are at peace if this is fulfilled. We are in perpetual conflict if we don’t follow natural law. Natural law doesn’t allow force or fraud. Therefore, one must live honestly and not physically harm another.

It’s certainly civil to be moral, but its not legal to do so. Manners are important, but they do not fall under natural law. For instance, helping those in need is moral, but not helping isn’t a jailable offense. It’s a legal duty to not physically harm those in need. Morals must not be grouped under natural law. Not helping those in need may not be accepted. Legality and acceptance are very different.

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