1 year ago


There is no one worth fighting for more than innocent children. The subject of human trafficking has been at the forefront of conversation during the past month, after the movie Sound of Freedom woke a lot of good people up. We exposed the democrats in our last video and laid out the main reason why they are not supporting any anti-child trafficking agenda. For more on that story, go watch yesterday’s show.

But the battle for our children is not being fought with only the people who want to harm them physically. There is also a battle being fought all across america, in the classroom, where the liberal agenda continues to want to push their idealogy and be the sole voice in your child’s sex education. Today we report on some of the most recent events that have occurred, and roll the the curtain on what is actually taking place in American schools.

Recently, A federal judge in Indiana ruled that a Pro-LGBT teacher, Kayla Smiley, does not have a first amendment right to push homosexuality on the children in her classroom. Smiley, a public school teacher wants to promote LGBT agenda in the classroom. James Hanlon, the district judge of the southern district of indiana rejected an ACLU-backed challenge to house bill 1608. The bill states that no school employee can engage with sex education of their students in prekindergarten through 3rd grade. Of course the bill is designed to protect the youngest children in schools, how crazy is it that in this world we live in we have to create bills such as that. If I were a superintendent of a school system and a rogue 1st grade teacher gives a lesson on same-sex couples, I wouldn’t need the government to step in; I'd fire that teacher myself.

As Judge Hanlon laid down the law he said “Ms. Smiley cites no authority establishing that an elementary school teacher has the right to speak in her capacity as a private citizen when expressing an educational message to her students.” Praise the Lord we have good judges like James Hanlon.

Parents, you’ve got to know what your teachers are doing. Never assume in today’s world. It doesn’t matter to me if the teacher is lgbt or whatever, it does matter to me when you go beyond your state curriculum and you attempt to indoctrinate the mind of my child with your agenda. Ms. Smiley represents the most dangerous kind of teacher in America today.

Going all the way back to 2014, the guardian reports that liberal democrats believe that sex education should begin at the age of 7. “"We believe that by educating children about sex and relationships in an appropriate way, we can help them to make informed choices in their personal lives. Currently, academies and free schools have no requirement to teach sex and relationship education, depriving children of important life lessons.”

Our friends at Blaze Media reports that “read title”. Analyze the spin. So you are clearly teaching in this sex ed curriculum about people transitioning, being gender fluid, and multiple sexual orientations. In my opinion there isn’t a public school in America who should tackle those subjects. It goes back to our opening story, you don’t know who is doing the teaching in your child’s classroom - you may think you know. Further, rogue extremist educators go beyond their curriculum every day, and these evil people feel good about while doing it.

Another one of the most disturbing aspect to this story is that they are actually teaching this curriculum to 4th graders.

The Nevada public school district recently voted to approve this controversial sex education curriculum using this language. In that district 4th grade students will learn about their bodies, friendships, and puberty. Fifth graders will be taught about “liking and loving”, puberty, pregnancy, communication, boundaries, consent, and sexual assault.

The good people in nevada better wake up. I’ll speak for myself, there’s no way my kids would be going to any of their schools.

But it’s not all bad news friends. The Hill reported today that there are twice the number of senior high school students claiming to be conservative today. God bless those young men seeing through all of this evil being thrown at them every day.

I want to close today by looking at Proverbs chapter 6 verse 14: who with perversity in his heart continually devises evil.

These people are perverse and carrying out great evil everywhere they go. They want to destroy america any way that they can. They don’t care if our children fall victim to trafficking, and they definitely don’t care if our kids are exposed to their sexual orientation physchobabble.

Thank YOU for watching today’s show! Please give us a like and a comment on this video, but MOST IMPORTANTLY, go watch our other shows.

sex education, american sex education, liberal sex education, lgbt, kids learning about sex, sex ed in schools

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