Christ our Life - Session 2

1 year ago

This is the second of four messages Doug gave in his interviews with GeorgeAnn Hughes in her podcast, The ByteShow.
Here are my notes:
o “As we face the days ahead, we’re really going to need to know where our security is, so that as the world is falling apart, at least temporarily, in preparation for the reign of antichrist, which is a preliminary and a prelude to the return of Jesus Christ to settle the score and to cleanse this earth by judgment to establish His reign on earth – we need to be a people who know the times…”
o “If we, both collectively and corporately and on a personal basis, are going to know Christ our life, that will be in direct proportionality to who we are in Adam no longer living.”
o “Even though judicially and positionally all that we are as Christians have been put to death in the death of Christ; experientially, there’s so much often in us as Christians that has not yet been conformed to His death… experientially, every Christian is at a different place in our transition from Adam, our old humanity, to Christ, the new humanity.”
o Jesus “now lives in us to become our life, to save us from the indwelling power of sin. The saving life of Christ is that life that indwells every Christian through new birth and the Person of the Holy Spirit, who indwells us, to deliver us from the power of sin… it’s the life of Christ that delivers us from the power of sin.”
o “We cannot live the Christian life. If you as a Christian are not living a victorious Christian life, it’s because God never intended you as a Christian to live a victorious Christian life apart from Christ – because the Christian life is Christ. The Christian life is Christ our life.”
o “It takes a Person for us to make the experiential transition from Adam to Christ.”
o “The only thing that makes us of any kind of value to God is the measure in which Christ has been formed in us and is now operational in us and through us in the person of the Holy Spirit.”
o “’The Creator did not create junk; He did not redeem junk; and He does not wear junk.’”
o Philippians 3:11 Exanastasis – “… a moral and spiritual resurrection that lifts me out from among the dead. That moral and spiritual resurrection is knowing the saving life of Christ in fulness…”
o Doug addresses the gnosticism that Paul confronted in his day, not unlike what is included in some of the new age teaching today, a neo-gnosticism.
o Baptism is explained as the Christian counterpoint and definition of Jewish circumcision. It is the picture and demonstration of what happens when one is identified with Christ in His death and resurrection as we are identified with Him and He with us; we are incorporated into Christ in His death and resurrection.
o “The only access Satan and the evil host have with the human race is through uncrucified flesh. Satan’s connection with this world – his rulership over this world as the prince of the power of the air – is through human agents that are living out from Adam. The only power he has over a Christian’s life is the degree that the Christian is living out from the natural man – not just sinful man – but the natural man… Satan has no access to the new creation resurrection identity – zero access; he cannot touch it.”
o “Christ our life becomes more and more an experiential reality when that fleshly nature is put to death in us – it’s already true in Christ, our representative; but it must be true in us.”
o “Our victory, over not only sin, but over all that which represents the enemy’s influence in our life, is through the cross! The blood is that which provides justification from the penalty of sins; the cross delivers us from principalities and powers.”
Resources recommended:
Ruth Paxon: Life on the Higher Plane
F. J. Huegel: Bone of His Bone:
Miles J. Stanford: The Complete Green Letters:
T. Austin-Sparks: In Christ:
T. Austin-Sparks: The School of Christ:
T. Austin-Sparks: The Great Transition From One Humanity to Another:

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