Transgender: Child-Abuse Scandal Exposed – Interview with Chris Elston

1 year ago

Interviewer: Well, it is a joy and an honor today to welcome Chris Elston, Billboard Chris, for this KLA.TV interview. Chris, thank you very much for agreeing to the interview.
Chris: Thank you so much for having me. It's an honor to be here.
Interviewer: Chris, for listeners who are not familiar with you, could you tell us a little bit about yourself and what you've been up to the past couple of years?
Chris: Sure. So I'm a dad of two girls living in the suburbs of Vancouver. My girls are 11 and 13 years old. But for almost three years now I've been on a mission to create awareness about what I consider to be the greatest child abuse scandal in modern medicine history. We've got all these kids now, mostly girls, but a lot of boys too, who have fallen for this transgender business. They've come to believe that they were born in the wrong body. Now when I ask people these questions, no one can ever tell me what that actually means because it's total nonsense, of course. But we have all these girls that have come to believe that they have a male gender identity and they won't find true happiness unless they transition, unless they modify their body, and boys trying to become girls as well. So what they do is they give these kids an experimental drug that's never been approved for this purpose. These are drugs that have been approved for prostate cancer in men, endometriosis, uterine fibroids in women, same drugs used to chemically castrate pedophiles. But we give these to kids because this drug happens to stop their bodies from going into puberty. So their secondary sex characteristics won't develop. The girl's breasts won't grow, her hips don't get wider. One of the side effects is they lose bone density. A boy's penis doesn't grow. It stops their bodies from developing so they don't look more like a man or a woman. Because apparently that would be too traumatic. If this girl has gender dysphoria, it would be traumatic for her to start looking more like a woman. So they stop that. Then they give her the opposite sex's hormones. This is causing irreversible harm. And this is just child abuse, pure and simple. What are we doing messing with children's bodies? It's totally insane. And depending where you are in the world, they're doing surgeries on kids as well. So I just became aware of all this. It impacted me deeply. And I decided I wasn't going to look back at my life in 40 years and say I knew all about this and did nothing about it. So I started heading outside, having conversations, one person at a time, to raise awareness about what's going on. And I wear these signs. I'm sure I look ridiculous, but I wear these signs that say children cannot consent to puberty blockers, or my definition of a dad, which is a human male who protects his kids from gender ideology. And I've just been on a mission for three years, going to university campuses, traveling all around North America, UK as well, having conversations with people. And it's working. I'm reaching tens, maybe even hundreds of millions to this point.
Interviewer: Right. Now, you say that this gender ideology thing isn't just a fringe thing. It's something that has permeated our entire culture. And you call it a cult. Tell us how it has permeated the culture and why you think it's a cult.
Chris: Well, here in North America, this is pushed by the federal government. In Canada it is pushed by the government of every province. It's pushed by the schools now. This is taught in schools from kindergarten on up that we all have a gender identity. Now, if you teach a little small child that they have a gender identity, that may be male, it may be female, what's the next thing these kids are going to do? They're going to try to figure out what their gender identity is, of course. Well, how do you figure that out? What is a gender identity? No one can really ever tell me. But if you look at all the different school resources that are used and all the different videos floating around out there, it all comes down to one thing, stereotypes. So, if a girl is a tomboy, if a girl is more masculine, if she wants to climb trees, play in the dirt, hates wearing dresses, wants to have short hair, the message we should be sending this girl is that she's a beautiful girl. There's no right way to be a boy or a girl. But instead, oh, she's taught maybe she's trans.
Interviewer: Long ago, in my local neighborhood in Seattle, I was lucky because there was like six or seven kids all around the same age. And we played together since we were three or four. And I mean, you know, the typical stuff, the touch football or whatever, baseball, tag. And whenever something needed a little higher level of organization, there was this girl on the block. She was about five years older than all of us. And her name was Lisa. She was the ultimate tomboy. She could swing a bat as good as any guy. And she could run as fast and she could get in a scuffle, anything. And we all knew she was a total tomboy. No one blinked an eye. She was just a tomboy. And then one day in high school, hey, Lisa has a boyfriend. Big deal. I mean, what's the problem here?
Chris: Exactly. Guess what? Being a tomboy is more fun.
Interviewer: Yeah. Yeah.
Chris: You know, it depends on the child, but whatever. And then we look at these resources that are used all across the world, in schools, even at children's hospitals. It's this resource called the gingerbread person, the Genderbread person, sorry. They wouldn't call it a gingerbread man or a genderbread man, because that would be, you know, giving it a gender. So it's the Genderbread person. And it defines your gender identity as being based on your personality, your job, hobbies, likes, dislikes, roles, and expectations upon you. So what does your job have to do with your gender? We got away from that nonsense. If a girl wants to be an engineer, does that make her a boy?
Interviewer: My daughter is studying engineering. She's not a boy.
Chris: There you go. My oldest daughter loves mathematics. You know, traditionally, the domain of men. She loves math. She's a girl. Oh, my gosh, this is ridiculous. But all the kids who are falling for this, they're trying to escape something. They've suffered trauma, they've suffered abuse. Sexual abuse is very common. Half of these kids are on the autism spectrum. So they're not fitting in, necessarily. And this ideology comes along. And it tells them why they don't fit in is because really, they're the opposite gender, or they're non-binary, which is just a total nonsense term, means nothing. But we now have at these gender clinics, where they're blocking puberty in children, as young as nine to 10 years old, whenever they're hitting puberty, we have half these kids on the autism spectrum. Just the other day, this professional doctor down in California said that non-verbal autistic children could consent to transition because they could draw their gender identity. This is crazy. They consider eunuchs to be a gender identity now. But at the Tavistock, which was the biggest gender clinic in the world in England, where thousands of kids go, there's 8,000 kids on the waiting list right now, and they're not going to give them all puberty blockers anymore. But 35% of those kids have moderate to severe autism. If you include the mild cases, it goes above 50. And then if you look at the whistleblower reports from people who have worked in gender clinics, at the Tavistock, or at Washington University in St. Louis, in the US, there was a woman who worked there for four years as case manager. She calls herself a queer woman married to a trans man, politically left of Bernie Sanders, who is this really far left politician in the US. So she can't be cancelled as some conservative. She's as far left as they come. But she has been saying all the same things that people like myself are saying. These are all kids who are struggling with something else, but we don't treat them for whatever that is. We treat them as though gender is the problem, and we don't question anything. Now this is one of the big problems, and this is coming all over the world. The trend is no therapy, no counselling, because to even suggest that a child who wants to change their sex needs counselling is to say that there's something wrong with them wanting to switch their sex. It would be to invalidate their gender identity, so they won't even do it anymore. And of course, there's tons of money for all these doctors. So the whole thing is just a giant mess. It's pushed by the World Health Organization, the UN. All these major governments all across the Western world. And it's all a lie.
Interviewer: Let me get this straight, Chris. You're saying that the trend is towards skipping help and going straight to surgery.
Chris: Correct. There is one organization called the World Professional Association for Transgender Health, WPATH. They write what are called the standards of care that gender clinics all around the world might follow. These are just guidelines. They're essentially an activist organization. But the latest standards of care, there's no bottom age limit for any of this. And so when this started in the Netherlands in the late 90s, this really didn't take off until the last five or 10 years, but this was first done in the Netherlands. They developed what was called the Dutch Protocol, and kids weren't supposed to get cross-sex hormones until 16, and they were supposed to screen for other mental health comorbidities and autism and abuse and trauma and all things like that. Now they don't do any of that. And at the annual general meeting, the annual conference for WPATH, during the opening ceremony, some protesters stood up and they were calling for the total abolition of all therapy. And guess what happened? They weren't booed out of the room. They received a standing ovation, including from the president and the board of WPATH. So this is just completely out of control. I do say this is a cult because essentially it's teaching our kids that they have a gendered soul that might be different than their physical body. They love bomb you, they give you tons of attention, just like any cult when you first come into it. They feel that they're victimized. You know, they want to talk about how there's a genocide going on against trans people. No, we just want kids to grow up. And if anyone who did transition then leaves, they're treated like they are in any cult. They're treated as some sort of blasphemer. They're blacklisted. They're told they were never really trans and they receive a torrent of hate. So if this was really about helping children to be who they really are and helping them to find their true selves, why don't they celebrate these kids when they detransition? Why is it only when they transition? They don't want you to be your true self. They just want you to be trans. This is a total cult.
Interviewer: Yeah, it only goes one way. I remember when I was a kid, I can't think of a specific example, but I know there were kids shows and songs and the theme was, hey, we're all going to be happy with the body we've been given and the situation we're in. You know, we're a little bit fat, we're a little bit thin. We have a different color skin. We're boys. We're girls. The idea was, I mean, … and these people don't want us to treat kids to help them to be comfortable with the body they've been given. That's just insane.
Chris: Right. And part of the trend of this, too, is to take away parental rights. So what's going on in schools all across North America is if a child decides they're the opposite sex at school because they're being groomed to believe this in school, well, if this girl decides she's a boy and she takes on a new name and new pronouns, schools are hiding this from their parents as a matter of policy. Not one here and there, it's written policy to hide this from parents unless the child consents. So let's look at how this actually plays out. Some girl, distressed, decides she wants to be a boy for whatever reason. Teacher says, “OK, so do you think we should tell mom and dad?” What now goes on in the thought process of this little girl? “Why wouldn't I tell mom and dad - oh yeah, mom and dad might not agree. Yeah, we better not tell mom and dad.” So now they're keeping secrets from parents. While their child is going through a dramatic psychosocial intervention. This is not something that's benign. This is not harmless. Every time you use that new name and new pronouns for these children, you're sending that child a message that they were born wrong. That there's something wrong with them. They should have been the opposite sex. And they're getting this message reaffirmed thousands of times every time you use those wrong pronouns. This is extremely damaging. And then when you take into account that half these kids have autism, a lot of these kids are in foster care. Parents are 10 times as likely to have been sex offenders. And now they have a special identity, they're getting love bombed. What chance does this child have of pulling out of this? If you want to really indoctrinate someone into a cult, you tell them lies over and over and over and over again, and you love bomb them and you surround them in an environment where all they hear are these lies. And it's almost impossible for anyone to pull out of that, no matter how strong your mind is. And now we're doing this to kids. And then they're told that, oh, if you don't transition, by the way, you're going to want to kill yourself.
Interviewer: And you know, Chris, this would be wrong, wrong, wrong if the kid was a minor, 17. But tell us how young the kids are that are going through this. How young does it go?
Chris: They start social transition at three years of age. New name and new pronouns. Telling a little girl in diapers, a little boy who's wearing a princess dress, who's three years old, that, oh, they're really a girl. They were born in the wrong body. The Boston Children's Hospital is the most prestigious pediatric hospital in the country. Top ranked hospital. Last year, I tweeted out all these videos that they produced for their YouTube channel. The director of the gender clinic, her name is Jeremi Carswell, she says it's things like a little girl who tries to pee standing up, a boy who doesn't want to get a haircut, trying on a sibling's clothing, or playing with the opposite gender toys. These are a sign your child is transgender and can be treated when they're three. And then as soon as they start hitting puberty, it's called Tanner Stage 2. That's the technical term. For a girl, this is when her breasts have first started to form, it's probably two years before she's had her period. So they can be, what, 9, 10, 11. And that's when they're going to give this drug to these kids to stop them going into puberty. So they are engaged in all sorts of magical thinking, because they're 9 and 10. And now, oh, you can change your sex, sweetheart. And by the way, these drugs are reversible, they're told. They're not reversible. Time isn't reversible.
Interviewer: Okay, I think you've established pretty well that this is not a fringe thing. But just to add a little more, add another layer to this. Tell us, tell us about the school, I think it's in Canada, where a whopping 45 kids in the school are going through counseling or actually treatment for gender therapy?
Chris: So social transition. So this is, that's 5% of the school and believe it or not, this is not uncommon. This is a liberal fine arts school. So you find this ideology where there are more artsy things going on. And of course, at a fine arts school, you're going to have more of that. And you're going to have more of these leftist teachers as well, who tend to be the ones who are pushing this. But I met with this mom and dad for four hours. And they're just 20 minutes from my house. And their daughter had taken on a boy's name and male pronouns at the start of the school year. And for three months, September, October, November, all the way up to almost Christmas time, this was hidden from the mom. And she could see her daughter's mental health spiraling downwards. And she knew something was going on. And she asked the school three separate times if there was something happening in school. Three times they lied to her. She finally found out what was going on in December, pulled her kids out, and her daughter is doing much better. But 45 approximately, this is the estimate of their oldest son, who also went to the school. Approximately 45 girls were socially transitioning to be a boy or said they were non-binary. Now some of these kids are just going to grow out of this. But of course, the most vulnerable kids, they're one appointment away from starting puberty blockers because many times at their very first appointment to these gender clinics, they'll start on them. And they're spending all their time online. They're getting groomed online to believe that, yeah, this is going to be great for you. And maybe they don't have the best home life or whatever. And next thing you know, irreversible harm.
Interviewer: That irreversible, right. I mean, once you start receiving the treatment, the drugs, it's hard to go back.
Chris: Yes. So if someone went on puberty blockers for maybe two or three months, sure, not too much harm done. Their endocrine system would kick back into gear. What this drug actually does is, it stops the pituitary gland from releasing two different hormones called luteinizing hormone and follicle stimulating hormone, which in turn trigger the testes to release testosterone, the ovaries to release estrogen. This is like a lobotomy for the endocrine system is what these kids are receiving. And the endocrine system doesn't just kick back into gear right away when you take them off. But in practice, what happens is 98 percent of the time these kids go on to the next step, which are the opposite sex hormones, because they're not just signing up for puberty blockers. The sales pitch is this buys them time to explore their gender identity. No, they're already all in on this and they get puberty blockers. Then they're getting the opposite sex hormones at 13 years of age. Depends on the clinic you go to. But this is happening all the time. Sometimes they're starting on them both at once. So these puberty blockers together with the opposite sex hormones are sterilizing kids, it says right on the consent form at these children's hospitals that they sign for the boys, it's destroying their future adult sexual function. Marci Bowers, who is a man who says he's now a woman, he's the president of the World Professional Association of Transgender Health. And on a video that was leaked, it wasn't supposed to be public. But I have a copy of it, I tweet it out all the time. He admits that none of the boys who started on puberty blockers at 10 or stage two when they're 11 or whatever. None of the boys as adults have been able to have an orgasm, so now it's destroying their future sexual function. And he says, you know, intimacy is important in a relationship. Yeah. Do you think? He says, what do we do? Do we stop the puberty blockers for a while and let some puberty happen? Do we delay the puberty blockers? They don't know. They don't know what they're doing. They're experimenting on children in real time. And saying the science is settled. It's nuts.
Interviewer: OK, I want to get to this, this idea that it's nuts. And this also the idea that I think the majority of people understand this. But first, you also … I mean, you know about these laws all over the world. I should know more about this coming from the Northwest. But you've also mentioned some laws in Oregon state and Washington state that are beyond the pale. Can you mention those?
Chris: Yeah, so in Washington state right now, any 13-year-old can get puberty blockers, cross-sex hormones, even a double mastectomy at 13 without their parents' knowledge or consent. But here's where this gets really good. They can use their parents' insurance. The parent gets the bill for their copay, you know, maybe they have to pay 20 percent of it and they didn't even know it occurred. They're passing laws all over the country in the blue states, in the Democrat run states, where a child could run away from home in Texas, go to California, they won't return the kid home. If there's a custody dispute going on and the mom brings the child to California to get a sex change, California will ignore the custody agreements in the home state of Texas or wherever. They will ignore court orders, ignore subpoenas and ignore arrest warrants, so this child can get a sex change. They're passing laws now to hide a child. They can put a child in a foster home and hide the child from the parents in their own state if they don't want to give their kid a sex change. They're doing that in Washington and Minnesota.
Interviewer: Oh, Chris, you make right there, you make a great argument against complacency because I can see people in maybe Montana, South Dakota, Arkansas, Idaho saying, well, thank goodness it's not our state. And based on the people I know around me, we'll never let that happen. But it can happen right now because your kid could run away and not be returned. This is insane.
Chris: 100 percent. And this opens up the door to sex trafficking as well. There was a girl named Sage in the state of Virginia who came to believe she was a boy at school. The school hid this from her parents. Her parents are actually her grandparents, but they've raised her since she was two. Her dad died. It was a big trauma. For the sake of this interview, I'm just going to call them her parents. The school hid this girl's social transition from her parents. She was also groomed online and she decided to go meet someone online. And that person trafficked her first to D.C., then to Maryland. She was found two or three months later locked in a room where she'd been drugged, repeatedly gang raped, she was being used for porn, make the money. They didn't return the girl home because her parents called her a girl. And they called her by her real name, which was Sage. They put her, the state of Maryland, put this girl in a group home with boys. After she'd just been getting sexually assaulted and held imprisoned for months, they put her in a group home with boys where she was assaulted again, she ran away from the group home, then she was found months later in Texas. Same thing had happened to her again. She'd been sex trafficked again. Whereas if they had not hidden this change of her name and pronouns at school, her parents would have known stuff was going on. They would have been able to intervene and none of this would have happened. So some people call these transgender trafficking bills, these different bills that are being passed because, yeah, I mean, it's a bit of an extreme term, but it's enabling much more trafficking to occur. And if you can drive a wedge between a child and their parents, you can now separate them from their parents.

Interviewer: Man! Now, you say that when you are out on the streets, the great majority of the people you run into are not these, you know, these fantastic Twitter clips that show the raving loonies (remark by interviewer: yes, raving lunatics- raving, as in, screaming and hysterical) , but actually people that agree with you.
Chris: Of course, this is not controversial. Anyone of any age, anyone with kids understands this.
Interviewer: You don't even have to have kids. Yeah.
Chris: Yeah, you don't have to have kids. Come on. We all know this instinctively and the kids know this as well. And we're starting to see a revolt among the students. They're starting to have walkouts at school and holding their own protests.
Interviewer: Did you hear about the kid in Kellogg, Idaho?
Chris: No.
Interviewer: Well, this is good. I got to throw this in. There's an assembly. Well, the seniors are graduating from a high school, probably the only high school. It's a small town in Panhandle, Idaho, in Kellogg, Idaho, not far from Coeur d'Alene. And the seniors are graduating and the seniors get a chance to tell the underclassmen some kind of advice at an assembly before graduation. Well, you have to get this rubber stamp (remark by interviewer: a green light, an OK [permission]) by the principal, though, of course. Right. Well, the kid goes off script about an hour before he's going to say something. He says, I'll say something different. And all he says is he goes up in front of the classmates, the underclassmen, and he says, guys are guys, girls are girls. There's really nothing in between. That’s it. And the principal did not allow him to go to graduation. The Forest Service, which had had already offered him a job for the summer, revoked that job. The bus driver, who apparently was a favorite among the kids at the school, who went down to support him at this little ad-hoc protest they put together, holding an American flag, his company fired him. I mean, it’s nuts for saying something so obvious.
Chris: Yeah, there is a 17 year old boy in Canada named Josh Alexander. He got kicked out of his Catholic school because some girls asked him if he would help because they didn't like boys being in their washroom. So he stood up for them. And he's just not going to go along with the lie. He's not harassing anybody, but he's not going along with these lies that there are more than two sexes and they kicked him out of a Catholic school. It's amazing. It's just incredible. People have been fired from their jobs for standing on the street with him or are being investigated. It's obscene. And, you know, we talked about: is this a fringe issue? Three hundred thousand children in the United States as of last year had officially been diagnosed with gender dysphoria, this intense loathing of your biological sex. Three hundred thousand official diagnoses, never mind the unofficial ones. And you get schools like in Pittsburgh, they surveyed all the Pittsburgh high schools. 9.2 percent of the kids said they were trans or non-binary. This has exploded. We're talking tens of thousands of kids. Hundreds of thousands in North America now think they're the opposite sex, but tens of thousands have already been permanently harmed. And with the bills that are coming down in Germany. Maybe on first glance, some people look at these bills and they say, well, a 14-year-old can now change their gender with parental consent. Look, this is a slippery slope. Do not give an inch. This is the first step. They try to pass what some people might think is reasonable and they make the language so that most people who aren't paying real close attention don't understand the safeguards that are being erased for women and children. But don't give them an inch. You can't pass any of these laws. This entire thing is based on a lie and we need to rip this entire ideology out by its roots.
Interviewer: Absolutely. And as if … as if the parent had a right to mutilate their child as long as they give their consent. I mean, this is nuts. What if it was we have a right to amputate the legs off our kids because it was parental consent. The kid had no decision. We decided 100 percent. It would be nuts, right?
Chris: Yeah. Speaking of cutting off their legs, there's a condition called apotemnophilia. People have done this. They've said, you know, I identify as an amputee is essentially what they're saying. They want to get their limbs cut off. And doctors did this a few times before it was finally put a stop to. But what if they didn't put a stop to it? What if they just said, yeah, you're you know, you can identify as an amputee. Who are we to say that you should not identify as an amputee? And yeah, let's cut your legs off. Let's cut your arms off. This is inhumane. Doctors swore an oath to first do no harm. So it doesn't matter if they want it done. Kids want all sorts of things. Young adults want all sorts of things. There's mental illness. Sometimes we do things for the betterment of people because we know what's better when they're suffering from mental illness. And just because they're 18 or 19 doesn't mean we should be doing this either. We should be screening for abuse and trauma. We should be screening out other mental health morbidities. We should be helping these people because tons of the ones detransitioning who've been harmed for life started when they were 18, 19 or 20. Let's face it. They’re still kids, too.
Interviewer: They’re still kids. That's the point. Look, how many times do adults say stuff like junior high kids? They're nuts. They're mentally ill. They need to go through this period to get over that. I mean, it's like the culling period, right? (remark by interviewer: as in, this is the dangerous period where extremely dangerous and reckless behavior can result in injury or death and youth are at higher risk at this time, like the number of fatal car accidents caused by young drivers) . Come on. I mean, if junior high kids were making the kind of decisions they make at 30, 40 and 50, we'd call them nuts, right? They would be mentally ill. But they're just kids.
Chris: I did all sorts of dumb things when I was a kid and I did all sorts of dumb things when I was 20 and 25. I probably do dumb things today. But our prefrontal cortex, the part of our brain responsible for logical decision making, doesn't really - it doesn't finish forming until we're about 25. For these neurodivergent kids with autism or whatever, it's more like 30. And if you look at all the detransitioners, a lot of their stories start when they're around 25. They're not young anymore. They're not being love bombed by this community they were part of. Their friends have grown up and got married and started to have families. And here they are, 25 years old, suffering from the medical consequences. And obviously, testosterone doesn't belong in a woman's body, in the doses that males have it. They have about 5 percent of what we have. But when you give a woman testosterone or a girl, it causes vaginal and uterine atrophy and they have to get hysterectomies. They have to get their ovaries removed as well sometimes, they're getting what are called oophorectomies. So now they can't produce estrogen for the rest of their lives. You've just sent a teenage girl into menopause, which has a hundred side effects of its own. They're going to have early onset dementia, early onset osteoporosis, never mind the puberty blockers themselves cause bone loss. This whole thing is just a total disaster all the way around. And yet every major global force is pushing this as though it's loving. No, this is about hate. It's about teaching kids to hate their bodies.
Interviewer: Exactly, Chris, this is … you know, I like to make 1984 references in my interviews and this is like the ministry of truth or no, the ministry of love is actually the place where you go to get tortured. It's the direct opposite. And the ministry of truth are where lies come from. And you just mentioned, we just talked about the amputee thing. And I think we need to start calling things by their names. That's what they do. They switch things around. So, I mean, what is it for a male to undergo the full treatment to transition, if not amputation? And what about this- gender affirming hysterectomy? How can we call this affirming? Is this not precisely gender denying?
Chris: Yeah, that I tweeted out a video last year that went viral, and it's one of the reasons we've had so much success in the United States is all these videos went viral from this hospital because people finally learned what they were doing in these gender clinics. But the first video I tweeted out was about gender affirming hysterectomies. And it's this perky (remark by interviewer: lively, vivacious) blonde woman with this inspirational music playing in the background. And everyone said, what, they're doing this at a children's hospital? And it started investigations in other children's hospitals. And when they talk about a double mastectomy, guess what they call this? They call this chest reconstruction. No, they're destroying a girl's chest, but they call this reconstruction by making her chest the way it was supposed to be. They say the same thing of castrations of boys. And what they do is they castrate these boys, then they invert the penis. Sorry if this gets too graphic, but because the child's genitals never grew because they were on puberty blockers, they don't have enough tissue to do this inversion to create what they call a neo vagina. So they will cut out some of the child's colon or stomach lining. This was done to Jazz Jennings on TV on a national program called I Am Jazz, celebrating this boy's transition from a young age. But there's tons of complications. About five years ago, one boy died during this surgery because e. coli from his colon got into his system. He developed necrotizing fasciitis. And they couldn't stop it from spreading and he died and he wouldn't have died if he hadn't been on puberty blockers. But, you know, a lot of these boys and girls, they just grew up to be gay and we haven't touched on this. This is the most homophobic movement out there, because historically, if you look at all the studies into gender dysphoria, most grew up to be gay and almost all of them grew out of it. The cure for gender dysphoria is puberty itself. Now we block the cure and we tell these effeminate little boys that might just grow up to be gay men that, oh, you're really a girl on the inside.
Interviewer: Now, Chris, you have all these horrifying examples from the states, my own state of Washington, Oregon to the south. You say, unbelievably, Canada is even worse.
Chris: Yeah, I'd say the U.S. is worse when it comes to surgeries, but when it comes to the ideology spreading, it's worse in Canada. We don't really have any conservative media in Canada. We do have some smaller outlets who are doing a tremendous job. But all of our three main media sources are all pushing this. When they interview me, they won't play any of the clips, of course, because they're just looking for a hate quote from me and they never get it. But if the media told the truth about this, this would end tomorrow. But the cult leader in Canada is Justin Trudeau, for sure. And this is being pushed hard by all the political parties and all the teachers’ unions. And it's happened very quickly. And I saw this growing and I knew exactly how it was going to spread because I understand cults. I understand how fragile the human mind is, especially our kids. And when you're teaching this in school, there's only one way this can go, which is straight up. So I see this as an emergency. And the first thing I did was put up actual billboards. That's where my first nickname came from, Billboard Chris. But no sign companies would work with me in Canada. They actually took down a sign I put up that said, I love JK Rowling. They took it down in 24 hours because they said it was hate speech. Of course, JK Rowling has spoken out against this abuse. But no sign companies would work with me. So I did the only thing I could do, which was become a human billboard and start having conversations that way.
Interviewer: You mentioned political parties. Are you telling me that voting for the opposition party isn't going to get us out of this?
Chris: What opposition party? There's no opposition party in Canada. You know, the conservative voters get mad at me for saying this, but I'm just telling the truth. They just don't like the truth. Our conservative party voted unanimously along with all the leftist parties to call it conversion therapy to help a girl feel comfortable as a girl or to help a boy feel comfortable as a boy. It's fine to convince these kids they're the opposite sex. That's not conversion therapy. It's fine to turn them into lifelong pharmaceutical patients forever reliant on some external source of hormones. That's not conversion therapy. Help them feel comfortable with their sex. Conversion therapy. Go to jail for five years. Pay a two million dollar fine. So now none of the therapists in Canada will even talk to these kids because if they do, some trans activists will come along and say they're committing conversion therapy, then they end up in court. So this puts a whole chill, a chill on the whole therapeutic profession. And it's just a disaster all around. So the only way we fix this is bottom up. This has to be a populist movement reaching people on the ground, people on the street, other moms and dads so that they can start speaking out at their schools, at school board meetings. They can start running for the school board. And there's this expression that politics is downstream from culture. Well, that's what I'm trying to make happen. But the current conservatives that we have in government here are a total disgrace. There's only one federal politician who will say a thing. He doesn't have a seat right now, but his name is Maxime Bernier. He left the Federal Conservative Party and started his own party called the People's Party. So, in a way, he's almost like the actual opposition.
Interviewer: And, you know, if … I wish there was a populist party that could focus on an issue that, like you say, you rolled your eyes when I said most of the people that come up to you agree with you, are like “of course!” So why couldn't that be a main platform of a populist party? Something we agree on already.
Chris: It should be. And you know what? Even with these trans activists, a lot of them, I'll give some… I'll give a benefit of the doubt to some of these trans activists, especially the young women, because it's a lot of young women pushing this because they've been indoctrinated into this cult. As young women, as girls in school, they go to university, they take these gender studies classes and they've been told a whole bunch of lies, they've been told kids kill themselves if they don't transition and puberty blockers are reversible and everything else. And this preys on their natural empathy, they want to help. And then they see someone like me with a sign that says children cannot consent to puberty blockers, and they see this as an attack on the transgender community. And they're actually the ones pushing this a lot. But I wouldn't call them evil. They've just been deceived. And when I say to them, look, there's no right way to be a girl or a boy. We shouldn't put these kids in some stereotypical box. They all agree. It's the number one tactic you can do when having these conversations with hostile people, say something they agree with. It brings the temperature down. But the most important thing is it confuses them. It creates this moment of cognitive dissonance where there's now two competing ideas going on in their head. I thought this guy was a bigot against gender nonconformity. That's how they came into this conversation. Now you just said something that they can't help but agree with 100 percent. They don't realize they're pushing stereotypes to such a degree that they're telling children they should alter their body to match the stereotypes of the opposite sex. So we just need, we need an education campaign and we need to deprogram these people, honestly, because they're really in a cult.
Interviewer: I really admire your technique when you go out in public, not only start with something we can both agree on. But man, do you have an ability to maintain your equilibrium. I mean, looking at you, you must be what? About six one, one ninety? You're pretty big guy.
Chris: I'm six, two and a half. One ninety-eight, I think.
Interviewer: Yeah
Chris: I'm not small, but I don't fight back. I'm not going to fight back.
Interviewer: That's it. You don't fight back. Now I want to ask you this. We only have like five minutes. I got two things I want to cover. For someone who is inspired and motivated by your example who wants to go out and do the same. And you're the expert on this. What kind of advice would you give someone? I think nonviolence is one of your pieces of advice, but anything else for someone who wants to get out into public, run considerable risk, but fight the good fight like you.
Chris: Well, learn about the issue, you've got to talk about this compassionately, it doesn't help anything if you're bombastic and aggressive. I don't approach anyone. I just wear these signs. People come up to me. I have the conversations, all of these conversations I'll post online and it's helping to educate other people. But you've got to learn about this. And I'd say use the Socratic method when you're talking to people who are a little more angry, just ask questions. You're not going to change the mind of an angry person on the street. You have to get them thinking. No one ever comes out of a cult because someone told them they were wrong. They come out because they started questioning it themselves and they slowly found the answers. So you've got to get them questioning. So ask them questions to expose that there's absolutely nothing to this ideology. The brilliance about Matt Walsh's film “What is a Woman?” - he didn't even offer an opinion.
Interviewer: He just asked questions.
Chris: The questions of the world's preeminent authorities on women and sexuality. And he said to these university professors, what is a woman? And they couldn't answer. And so it exposed there's nothing to this ideology, to them being a woman or a man is a feeling. They're trying to redefine what it means to be a woman or man. They're not going to succeed because instinctively we even know this is wrong. From birth on up. But right now we have a massive cult, maybe one of the biggest in history that's taken over the Western world, and we just need to educate people about it because what they've done is they've used these four letters LGBT to find acceptance because they try to compare this to LGB and it's got nothing to do with it.
Interviewer: Yes. Well, the very last point I'd like to make, and I'd like to hear your opinion on a quote, and this is all about coming out and having the courage to speak up. I'd like to give you a quote by Theodore Dalrymple that he wrote recently. He said, “the purpose of communist propaganda”... Well, and this goes back to what you said before. Look, pretty much everybody, the great majority agree with me when they come up to me. So why are they pushing something that the majority of the public, you're not going to change their mind on? And I think possibly an answer to this is in this quote. Here it is again. “The purpose of communist propaganda was not to persuade or convince nor to inform, but to humiliate. And therefore, the less it corresponded to reality, the better.” And the point is that “when people are forced to remain silent, when they are told the most obvious lies or even worse, when they are forced to repeat the lies themselves, they've lost once and for all, all their sense of probity.” This comes from Douglas Wilson. What do you think about that?
Chris: Yeah, that's fascinating stuff. There's so much human psychology to this. And I think the people at the top know that. They know exactly what they're doing. They know that by going after our kids, that's the way you change a whole culture. Many dictators throughout history have tried this exact same thing, of course. Hitler, Mao, Stalin, Lenin, this is nothing new. There's nothing new under the sun. Human psychology never changes. And this goes back to the big lie theory as well. It's almost the bigger lie you tell, the more likely some people are to believe it because they can't get their head around it. And what they've done is they've combined this with the LGB to buy acceptance and they've silenced everyone, and fear is very powerful, even though everyone agrees with us, they're silent because they don't want to get the hate. They don't want the hate pieces that get written about me. But look, we got truth on our side and this isn't some issue about inflation or economic policy or something like that. This is about harming our kids. There's nothing that matters more in any parent's life than their children. And we're going to let this ideology come for them and confuse them and harm them? Not a chance. So parents are waking up. We're going to keep waking up tens of millions of more, more of them. We're going to get these lame politicians out of there and we're going to restore sanity to this world because there's no such thing as a transgender child. They're called girls and boys, no drugs or scalpels needed.
Interviewer: Awesome, Chris. Well, I think we've reached our time. It's Saturday and we're so grateful that you've spent this time with us. Now you're going to go out and do something with your girls. Are you not?
Chris: That's right. I'm taking them to their diving lessons right now. Just a normal, normal dad day being a taxi driver.
Interviewer: A normal dad day. Okay. I wish you a great Saturday and thank you so much for the interview.
Chris: Thank you so much.

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