Get ready this upcoming weekend 12-13 august 2023 to observe The Perseids Meteor Shower at its peak

11 months ago

The Perseid Meteor Shower starts in July. It is made up of hundreds of meteors streaking across the sky in a beautiful natural firework show, which is visible around the world.

The meteors hit the Earth's atmosphere at a whopping speed of 134,000 mph, but don't pose any danger to us on Earth.

The Perseids - pronounced 'Per-see-ids' - are actually tiny pieces of the Swift-Tuttle comet that can be seen every year when the Earth passes through a cloud of the comet's debris.

Did you know?

The average speed for a Perseid meteor is 36 miles per SECOND!

The pieces of ice and dust which make up the shower can be as small as a grain of sand or as big as a pea.

They were left behind when Swift-Tuttle passed close to Earth - the last time being in 1992.

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