GB News’ Top Boss Faced ‘Sexual Harassment’ Allegation – as Channel Paid to Shut Down ‘Institutional

10 months ago

GB News settled an employment claim for a five-figure sum in which sexual harassment was alleged against its chief executive Angelos Frangopoulos – and shut down serious racism and bullying allegations raised by two other journalists with further pay-outs and gagging agreements, Byline Times can reveal. And in two separate workplace incidents involving other GB News executives, a woman went on sick leave after allegedly being told she was “so ugly” she should “put a bag” on her head and that she should “open” her “legs” to win a promotion. Rather than taking legal action, she is said to have quietly left her job in disgust. GB News’ position is that it doesn’t have a toxic workplace culture and that the company enjoys a good relationship with current and former employees. The claim naming Mr Frangopoulos, a married father of five, made allegations that he propositioned and declared feelings for a female member of staff in a late-night phone call after work drinks in 2021. Having been rebuffed, Mr Frangopoulos then allegedly undermined and marginalised the woman in her role before she left and got employment lawyers to negotiate a settlement with the channel.

GB News’ Top Boss Faced ‘Sexual Harassment’ Allegation – as Channel Paid to Shut Down ‘Institutional Racism’ Claims

Dan Wootton and Martin Branning – The Proof

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