On the court with Keith! August 2023

1 year ago

84 years young and possibly the most well known / loved man in Penzance.
Still training every day.
On the court with Keith, 84 years young and still training every day. Had a stroke fairly shortly after his CLOTSHOT that I warned him in no uncertain terms but he took it anyway cos all the other people at the club were being weird around him cos he didn't want to take it. He didn't take any boosters thank God. Life is all about how much you actually want to live it, some say that the moment we die is the very same moment our will to live becomes less than our will to die. Either way, Keith loves his tennis and all his myriad friends from all age groups at the club. Shame that most of them chose to ostracise him for trying to resist the DEATH JAB but hey, that's normies for you. Tennis keeps him young and he's inspired me to want to be a part time trainer in my 'retirement years' whenever they may be (I think this is my last life and it will never end). He gets a kick out of training with me and vice versa, he likes how I put so much effort into studying tennis and improving my technical ability. It's that raw excitement and enthusiasm that so many people lack..not Keith & I though!

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