Life Coaching 101 - It's Time for a Temper Tantrum

1 year ago

When was the last time you had a good temper tantrum?

So many of us that have fallen into people pleasing behaviors do not know how to express our emotions in a healthy way. And this doesn't just go for people pleasers. Most people have a hard time expressing their emotions.

This is because so many of us were not allowed to have our emotions as children. We were told to stop crying or were punished for having strong emotions.

However, if we weren't allowed to express our emotions so we never learned how to self-regulate when strong emotions came on.

So maybe the way to get back to being able to have healthy emotions is to actually allow ourselves as adults to have some temper tantrums. We need to at least feel safe that we can express our emotions and not be judged, ridiculed, or criticized for them.

So now it's time to go have a temper tantrum!

Happy tantruming!!!

Stick with me while I discuss this and other interesting topics. 

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Sometimes all we need is a little perspective. 🌧️ 🌈 🌞

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