The Lost Codex by Ethereal_Cultivator: Likes and Dislikes

11 months ago

Likes & dislikes
The body is many things.
The body is a learning device, a communication tool, & a living symbol.
Of all of human kind’s symbols, the human body is the most potent, thus why it can be found,
in whole or in part, in every human language.
Fetishized, worshiped, altered, enhanced, throughout time human beings have become very familiar with the ins & outs of the human body, & it is the body, & it’s pleasure or pain, that life on earth is all about.

As a metaphor, one can understand the idea of individuals having likes & dislikes,
which is to say, the idea of individuals having preferences.
People have different tastes. Some people like some foods, while other people like others.
Yet the preferences of an individual do not affect whether that thing is healthy or unhealthy.

When a person is forced to eat something that they don’t like, or when they are subjected to something unpleasant, or when they have to be around someone that they don’t get along with, any of these things can produce trauma within the mind, especially if extreme force or violence is involved, like in the case of rape, assault, or generally anything that forcefully violates an individuals preferences.

The violation of the preferences of an individual is not okay, precisely because that can create trauma. Yet nonetheless, a person’s preferences does not make the necessary unnecessary.

People who have a bad attitude, who haven’t yet learned what the importance of forgiveness is, might say that that’s just “Their personality”. No. Your personality might be that of a bully, but you can’t excuse a bad attitude by writing it off as “your personality”. It’s not OK to be a bully.

The petulant, the insolent, the haughty, the impatient, the spiteful, people like this all have bad attitudes, & naturally, of course, they’d prefer to get what they want right when they want it.
Yet nonetheless, a person’s preferences does not make the necessary unnecessary.

It’s usually a waste of time to try to change the world or other people.
So it is better, I think, to be the change you want to see in the world.

When morals are preached, the desire to be righteous is lost
When vice & treachery are ubiquitous, morality arises of it’s own accord

So to teach virtue, teach without speaking
To denounce greed, do not hoard possessions
To condemn lust, do not strive to dominate anyone
To denounce cruelty, Offer mercy & forgiveness

To cultivate virtue, do not attempt to embody the virtue through action
Begin by developing new habits, & by training your mind to think more positively

When the mind is trained to think positively, rather than negatively,
Virtue becomes automatic & effortless

Sprezzatura is the art of studied carelessness.
If one is too well dressed, one will be seen as haughty, pompous, or conceited
If one is underdressed, one will be seen as indiscrete, trashy, or uncivilized
If one tries too hard to make an impression, one will come off as rude or tactless
If one doesn’t try to make an impression, one may be seen as cold or indifferent

So, to cultivate virtue, disregard the opinions of the world & of people
To cultivate virtue, focus upon living up to your own hopes & dreams

Kindling is not sold by a forest, nor are fish sold by a lake
When anything is scarce, it becomes valued
When people have everything they need, they take everything for granted

When people are violent & intolerant, compassion is valued
When people are corrupt & deceitful, honesty is valued

When people only pretend to be righteous, they conceal depravity
When people are honestly wicked, they, at least, can receive correction

For mortals upon the earth, there are three virtues that are greatly valued; four that are sublime:
Compassion, comportment, wisdom, & the lack of personal desires

For heavenly spirits, there are three virtues, greatly valued, & four that are excellent:
Mercy, understanding, patience, & love

The virtues of mortals are valued because they relate to the survival of physical bodies.
The virtues of spirits are valued because they demonstrate eternal truths.

Man’s true self is eternal, yet he thinks “I am this body & will soon die”
If we had no body, what calamities could we suffer?

The self is infinite, absolute, effortless, timeless, immaculate, limitless & you, itself,
un-separate from you, not different from you in any way, except that you have a body

So do not concern yourself with material reality, it is impermanent
So do not worry about what you will eat, or what you will drink
The body will wear out anyways, will worrying add a single year to your life?

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