Why don't Moderna, Pfizer & Astra Zeneca underwrite the safety of their vaccines?

1 year ago

Profits before people.

Moderna, like Pfizer or Astra Zeneca, aren’t prepared to back up their “safe and effective” mantra by underwriting the safety of the vaccines.

They passed the buck onto governments whose politicians lacked the spine to stand up for the people they claim to represent.

It’s no wonder trust in governments and our health authorities are at an all time low.


Frontline Workers Speak Out - https://t.me/FrontlineWorkersSpeakOut
Senator Gerard Rennick - https://t.me/gerardrennick

Cult trivia:

Moderna means Modification of Endogenous RNA
COVID-19 - Certification of Vaccination Identification 2019
RNA vaccine is genetic engineering. It has never been used in humans before but has been rushed to market.

From My Notebook: Supremacy and Control

All of this is based on supremacy and control, manipulation, coercion, deception, murder, unlawful killing, engineering of wars, pestilence and things like COVID-19 which are clearly manufactured into the mainframe in order to bring about a mass culling and mass sacrifice of innocence. This is the norm. This has gone on for a millennia.

What is unusual is the fact that we are awakening within the dream spell today and we have never done that before as a species. This is the last time such a dangerous, diabolical scenario will play out. There will never be another replay of the sacrifice of innocence or the harvest of humanity. Will depopulation work? No.

Source: Sacha Stone, Artist, Esoteric Scholar, Arise Guerrilla News founder and co-anchor

From My Notebook: News Media

If they are spending 16 hours a day getting information for you, they are most likely getting paid. Find people who are not doing the circuit.

News and facts are totally different things. News outlets are no longer considered as journalism. They are entertainment outlets. That's how they are able to lie and manipulate the story and not be held liable. They are just giving an opinion of entertainment value.

At one point in time, every journalist had to be the first to get the story. Whether it was true or not, didn't matter. Now we are seeing regurgitating cycles of information on internet discovery channels and updates 3 times a day. It has become mainstream media.

There is a reason there are only 6 major (US) networks. In order to give you the information they want to give, they need to corral you guys - you can't be free-ranging cattle on a thousand acres. You need to be driven in order to have that focus. You need to be put in lines.

When you see people taken off alternative networks and channels being removed, it's bundling information into a few sources. That is dangerous because you will find the same information coming out of the sources = mainstream media = Mockingbird. It's very dangerous. Many people jumped onto alternative platforms during lockdown - they were the honeypots. It's very easy to track and censor people that needed to be taken off.

If you have been hyper focused, step back and reset yourself.

And when the masses awaken, how are you going to lead?

Source: US Military Telecommunications Specialist 'V' who gave numerous anonymous interviews on Earth United in late 2020 and 2021 when she saw that the majority of the largely clueless 'truth movement' that parroted the same information, was being led in the wrong direction.

Thank you 'V' - wherever you are.

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