Mike ter Maat, Austrian-School Economist Pro-Reform Police Officer

1 year ago

We will discuss his candidacy as well as his views and solutions for policing in this current climate!
Mike is a candidate for the Libertarian Party presidential nomination. In 2021-22, he campaigned as the LP candidate in the January special Congressional election in Florida’s District 20. Mike served as a police officer in Broward County from 2010 through 2021, including as a field training officer for several years, all as a registered Libertarian.
Twitter: @terMaatMike https://twitter.com/terMaatMike
Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/mike.termaat...
Instagram: @mike.termaat https://instagram.com/mike.termaat

/ @miketermaat53
Websites: www.MiketerMaat.com and www.GoldNewDeal.org

Latina Libertarian - https://olgamaria.org/shop/
Twitter: @LibertyMe15
Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/LatinaLibert...

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