Unlock Your Path to Passive Income: Launch Your E-Commerce Empire with Hassle-Free Dropshipping!

10 months ago

Dropshipping is the perfect side hustle to get a passive income stream and launch you towards financial freedom. A good dropshipping ecommerce store takes minimal time and effort to administer.

As Forbes states: “Passive income is money you can earn without too much ongoing effort. After you identify and establish a stream of passive income, you won’t need to tend to it every day – but that doesn’t mean you won’t have to do some work now and then.

Most passive income ideas require an initial investment of time, money or other resources. They also require a degree of monitoring or regular maintenance to keep things on track, but they won’t require you to commit tens of hours a week…”

Dropshipping is one of the best recurring income ideas to earn money from wherever you are, you don’t need a lot of cash flow to begin with. Dropshipping is not a get-rich-quick scheme, however, as it takes some upfront investment of time in order to generate income it can be daunting knowing where to start.

We remove this process by providing you a turnkey solution, a totally ready to go e-commerce store with the products from our trusted suppliers. We set up a well structured ready to go website where customers browse and buy products. There’s no need to physically manage the products you sell. Nor do you need to set up a registered company, you can run it as a sole trader.

The supplier handles everything from manufacturing to packaging to fulfilment. And since you don’t need to send money to your supplier until your customers pay, this passive income business has limited cash risk.

Another risk you get to avoid is the one that comes with investing in a product that doesn’t have a market. We will show you how to find trending products in different niches to sell in your store.

Depending on the product you choose and your pricing, you can earn solid recurring income and learn how to run an ecommerce business.

Our e-commerce stores start from $5995. We have a variety of PACKAGES available as well as established shops for purchase, keep an eye on our TRADEME listings. See https://www.trademe.co.nz/a/search?member_listing=74841

Both my partner and I currently have five dropshipping websites generating us a six-figure income. This has taken us years to get the formula right. We can get you heading in the right direction and shortcut many of the mistakes and pitfalls that we have learnt along the way.

We have been immersed in ecommerce for over 10 years, During this time, we have generated over $3 million in sales online. We have got skin in the game, we don’t just talk about dropshipping, we do it ourselves and we are here to share our knowledge, experience and skills. We know the energy required to set-up, run and market these passive stores. It requires a bit of upfront muscle, but once you are selling, these stores only require a small amount administering, which could potentially be outsourced for a totally hands-off passive income.


- Danny de Hek Passive Income - https://www.dehek.com/passive-income/
- TradeMe list https://www.trademe.co.nz/a/search?member_listing=74841
- Base Gear New Zealand - https://www.basegear.co.nz
- NZ : OUTDOORS - https://www.nz-outdoors.co.nz

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