The New Earth Quest ~ Developing Your "I Am" Part 2, With Dr. Sam Mugzzi, George, and Digital Tom

11 months ago

I love you guys and I know you will move into the next challenge. Focus on your silver turning to gold, spinal fluid, and then "Ascending" with your higher self! This is the Lion within. This is why you are here. You are my saviors. Take your time, be patient, and always look within for your answers. You are the supreme being. This is no joke. Do not get caught in the traps. Focus on your greatness and reach above the drama and distractions. Eat pure for your soul, this is an integration period. We can learn from each of our fellow Lions. Be kind to yourself and keep focus on what you are becoming....let go, and let flow into your new reality. You have lots of help so if you need it, just ask in your prayers. Give permission to be GREAT AGAIN! This is where we are going, and you are invited. Adreno holds your soul back so avoid all the blood products. Green is good, and eat with the soul in mind. You are wanting foods with a higher energy vibration so your physical can reach the spiritual. I have more vidoes on this, so look if so inclined. Happy days and see you on the other side of FREEDOM!

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