Adama - Telos I - Chapters 16 and 17

1 year ago

In the text "Adama - Telos I - Chapters 16 and 17" by Adama, the author, who identifies as Adama, addresses the readers as "Dear brethren" and shares insights about the upcoming conclusion of their commentary on the book "One of Telos" with chapters 16 and 17. In chapter 16, a character named Thomas introduces himself, and the focus shifts to the memories of living in Lemuria. The text highlights that the time for ascension is approaching, although it may not align precisely with human timeframes. The author emphasizes that the planet's ascension is certain, and many individuals are actively participating in this process.

The author discusses how transformations have occurred within individuals to bring them to this point of readiness for ascension. They emphasize the role of the Higher Self guiding this journey and the assistance of Beings of Light throughout the process. The text underscores that everyone on the planet is being cared for and nurtured, even those who are not yet fully aware of their role in ascension.

The author acknowledges that while some resist the Light and change, the majority are expanding their hearts and minds, aligning with Unconditional Love. This expanding consciousness is preparing more and more individuals for ascension, even if they may not be fully conscious of it. The author encourages a focus on creating enlightened hearts and minds, which will contribute to a more balanced and harmonious planetary ascension.

The text also suggests that the time for significant revelations is approaching, although the final revelation is not yet imminent. The author emphasizes the need for enlightened minds to outnumber those that resist change, to maintain balance during these revelations. The goal is to support the planet's equilibrium and help guide humanity toward ascension.

The text compares the process of ascension to ascending floors in a building, where each person is at a different level. It is suggested that many are close to the Fifth Dimension, and upon reaching it, individuals may have the ability to move between dimensions, similar to experiences in the time of Lemuria. The concept of ascending and descending vibrational levels is explored, with the text emphasizing the importance of maintaining a higher vibrational state.

In conclusion, the text advises readers to respond to challenges with love and light rather than engaging in lower vibrational reactions. It encourages individuals to avoid traps that could lead to a descent in consciousness and to focus on expanding their hearts and minds, contributing to the collective journey of ascension.

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