#12 Rocky Jones, Space Ranger - The Pirates of Prah: Chapter II

1 year ago

With the Orbit Jet magnetically coupled to the disabled CM7, Rocky brings the rescued Vena and Reggie to Casa 7. Vena's brother Paul is there to greet her. While Paul shows Vena, Bobby and Reggie around, Rocky studies the solar system atlas and deduces that the pirates must be using the planetoid Prah as their base operations base. No ship has ever landed on Prah; there seems to be some sort of defensive barrier. Three ships have tried and were never heard from again. Because the mission may be so dangerous, Rocky and Winkie sneak away in the Orbit Jet before Vena and Bobby wake the next morning. Rocky's plan for slipping past the defensive barrier is to utilize the cold lamp developed by Professor Newton. It will render their rocket invisible so that anyone on Prah will be unaware of their approach. The ploy works. The Orbit Jet lands safely, completely invisible. Rinkman and Dr. Vanko are on the gantry, drawn there by the noise of the landing. Rocky jumps out the door onto the gantry platform, seemingly appearing out of thin air. He is overcome by a pirate who sneaks in from his blind side. Imprisoned in a cave cell, he plots with Winkie to escape. Cleolanta, who is behind the pirate scheme, heads from Ophecius for Prah, hoping to woo Rocky to her side. But before she arrives, Rocky tricks Rinkman who has come to bargain with him. He pretends an invisible Winkie is behind him. Rocky is able to flee to the Orbit Jet and take off before he can be apprehended. He is committed to finding out who is behind the piracy operation.

Richard Crane - Rocky Jones,
Scotty Beckett – Winky,
Sally Mansfield - Vena Ray,
Robert Lyden – Bobby,
Maurice Cass - Professor Newton,
Charles Meredith - Secretary of Space Drake,
Henry Brandon – Rinkman,
Ray Montgomery – Reggie,
Gabriel Curtiz - Dr. Vanko,
James Griffith – Ken,
Ted Hecht - Haggar Nu,
Judd Holdren – Higgins,
Harry Lauter – Atlasande,
Patsy Parsons - Queen Cleolanta,
Tom Brown - Paul Ray,
Mickey Simpson – Markoff,
Dale Van Sickel - Link,

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