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Cow Farts Energy Vlog

1 year ago

Cow Farts Energy Vlog Title is form the Dig it video I shared, cow farts aren't causing global warming Sunspot do however have a lot to do with global warming. That is right folks that big ball of fire is warming up our planet and all planets in this system.

The Schumann Resonance today Disclosure site showed us two amplitudes. the first was from the A-4 nchart at a power of 15 at 10:00 AM UTC. Thus we have the wheel of fortune bringing karmic change to the Devil we hope and pray it is to the better for human kind. The second full amplitude power was 125 at 4:15 PM UTC, thus we have The Wheel of Fortune ushering in the hanged Man change of perspective as he sacrifices his time for a karmic change. The quality was a power of 10.20, thus we have #3 the Empress Card a divine female or earth mother full of beauty grace and creative abundance. The Frequency average is 8.05 hertz. thus we have the Death card of transformation and transition. When we take all of these numbers together we have Strength bedeviling us as we sacrifice as the Hanged man with a changing perspective on the divine Empress Kali and her death cult.
Dig it interview with John Kahr:https://rumble.com/v36jjps-dig-it-196-special-guest-john-klar.html
Schumann Resonance Today Disclosure Site:
Space Weather News site:


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