Adama - Telos I - Chapter 12

11 months ago

The text discusses various aspects of spiritual evolution, focusing on the journey from the Third Dimension to the Fifth Dimension. Adama, the speaker, emphasizes the importance of returning to a state of Divine completeness, shedding light on the origins of souls on Earth. While some are native to the planet, others come from different galaxies to assist its growth and evolution.

The speaker highlights how consciousness has transitioned from a harmonious Golden Age to the Third Dimension due to the influence of less enlightened concepts. To communicate with higher-dimensional beings, individuals must elevate their consciousness, and the Higher Self acts as a translator between dimensions.

Feelings play a pivotal role in this transition, as they have distinct vibrations. Lower-vibration emotions can drain energy and lead to self-destruction. Negative feelings also hinder connections with higher beings. On the other hand, a balanced body, mind, and soul that vibrates positively and maintains equilibrium can facilitate such connections.

The discussion progresses to explain dimensions as varying levels of vibration. Individuals can move between these dimensions based on their energetic resonance. As people raise their vibration, they shift towards higher dimensions, such as the Fourth and ultimately the Fifth Dimension.

The speaker reflects on past times when enlightened beings effortlessly moved through dimensions. The Fourth Dimension acts as an intermediary step, while the Fifth Dimension represents a higher state of vibration. As individuals evolve, their DNA gradually resurfaces, resulting in physical and vibrational changes.

The importance of holistic alignment – of body, mind, and soul – is emphasized, as consciousness alone cannot lead to the Fifth Dimension. Evolution involves nurturing positive thoughts, maintaining a healthy body, and cleansing the soul from past infractions.

The text concludes by encouraging individuals to embrace positive vibrations, evolve towards the Fifth Dimension, and share their experiences with others. The role of many souls is highlighted, as they will be able to join higher dimensions temporarily and then return to share their insights, ultimately guiding humanity's collective ascension.

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