FOUR Problems Many Christians Have With Christmas...

1 year ago

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Christmas goes to the heart of our emotions and it appeals to all of our senses. We love the smell of freshly cut trees and other greenery. Our taste buds look forward to eggnog and other holiday favorites. Our eyes delight at displays of colored lights. Traditional songs blare over department store speakers, and who doesn’t want to get his or her hands on a decorated box with a surprise inside?

However, there are problems with Christmas, and the problems go beyond “putting Christ back in it,” and every professing Christian ought to sit up and take notice. As difficult as it is to admit, and as hard as it is to believe, the problem with Christmas is that it conflicts with the Biblical record and therefore undermines the true meaning of Jesus’ birth. That may shock you, but on today’s Tomorrow’s World program I’ll give indisputable proofs that demonstrate how the popular story of Christmas, with all its customs and traditions distort the true story. I’ll also be offering a free booklet on the subject, titled, “Is Christmas Christian?”

Do you, my friends, want to know the problems with Christmas? Stay tuned!

Welcome to Tomorrow’s World, and I especially want to welcome any first-time viewers. I’ll be discussing on today’s program four serious problems with Christmas, problems every sincere Christian should be concerned with. And I’ll be offering a free resource titled Is Christmas Christian? There’s no cost to it. All you have to do is call our toll-free number that will be shown on the screen at various times during this program.

So, what are these problems with Christmas?

Problem #1: The traditional Christmas story is not found in the Bible

That’s right. The story you hear each December is not the same as found in the Bible. Now don’t misunderstand; Jesus is the Son of God and His birth is recorded in the Bible, but not as most people assume.

For example, do you realize that the wise men did not come on the night in which Jesus was born? He was not in a stable when they came. They did not come to bring birthday gifts. And contrary to the song, the Bible nowhere tells us that there were three kings. The story of the wise men didn’t happen as it is commonly told today. Not according to your Bible! It’s a myth that distorts and perverts the truth of scripture. Notice what the Bible actually reveals.

The timing of the wise men’s visit was weeks or even months after the birth of Jesus, and when they did visit Him, He was not in a stable, but in a house with His mother. No mention of shepherds and sheep, not even of Joseph.

But let’s not get ahead of the story. When the wise men came to Jerusalem, reporting that they had seen an unusual star in the sky and were inquiring about a child who was born to be king of the Jews, no small stir was created among the inhabitants of the city, including the king. Matthew 2, verses 3 & 4.

“When Herod the king heard this, he was troubled, and all Jerusalem with him. And when he had gathered all the chief priests and scribes of the people together, he inquired of them where the Christ was to be born.”

The answer from these religious leaders was that the Messiah was to be born in Bethlehem.

Herod then dispatched these visitors to Bethlehem, to find the child and to report on where he was found so that he could worship Him. Of course, this was a ruse. Herod had no intention of worshiping another king, but wanted to know where He was so that he could kill Him.

While Bethlehem is only a little over 6 miles away, not a great distance, it should be obvious from what we’ve already read that all this did not happen in one night, but notice this clear statement found in verse 11:

“And when they had come into the house, they saw the young Child with Mary His mother, and fell down and worshiped Him.”

Note that it refers to Christ as a young child, not as an infant or babe, but we don’t have to rely on the nuances of Greek words to know that the wise men did not show up on the night in which Jesus was born. And here’s why.

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