SIX Trends of Bible Prophecy for 2020... Disease Is One of Them (Recorded in September 2019)

9 months ago

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Welcome to the year 2020! What does Bible prophecy say about what’s in store? You’re about to find out—RIGHT NOW!

Welcome to Tomorrow’s World—and to the year 2020! I’m excited about today’s program, and excited about the free offer we that have for you today—a free DVD titled, “The Power of Prophecy,” one of our most popular items explaining biblical prophecy. Keep an eye out for information on how to get your copy.

And forgive me for being so blunt, but ask yourself: Doesn’t it seem like the world is on fire?

The state of political discourse is more virulent and savage than it has been in decades, and not just among our politicians and pundits, but among ordinary citizens, as well. Meanwhile, nuclear treaties are dissolving, old alliances are unraveling, and the potential for violent international confrontation seems to grow. And on the cultural front, we seem surrounded by more confusion than ever, as Western civilization is rewriting elements of its norms and moral code that have been in place for generations—even centuries. Truly, a world on fire.

Ironically, many preachers and pastors will tell you that prophecy is a distraction from the important parts of the Bible. But they are astonishingly and dangerously wrong. UNDERSTANDING PROPHECY is a VITAL part of living, breathing, BIBLICAL Christianity!

The Apostle Paul speaks to us through the centuries in his letter to those in Thessalonica, saying bluntly, “Do not despise prophecies.” 1 Thessalonians 5:20. In fact, the testimony of Jesus Christ is called “(“)...the spirit of prophecy…”...”(”) in Revelation 19:10, and Revelation 1 and verse 1 plainly says that God gave Jesus prophecy to deliver to His followers so that they would UNDERSTAND THINGS THAT ARE SHORTLY TO TAKE PLACE.

Churches and ministries that ignore or minimize Bible prophecy relegate themselves to being mere shadows of what Jesus Christ intended for His Church and they ignore one-fourth to one-third of the Bible!

Now, of course, some avoid one ditch by jumping into another… Desperate to say something relevant about the times they are in, some take personal predictions and thread-bare theories and force them into the Bible, holding God’s word hostage as they try to press it into service to prop up their own, humanly derived ideas.

For instance, how many televangelists or pulpit preachers have you heard proclaim that Jesus might return this very night? I know I’ve heard many! Yet those ministers had no idea what they were talking about! Now, of course, you or I may die today, and, for us then, Jesus Christ’s return may as well BE tonight—none of us have any excuse to rest on our laurels. But will Jesus Christ return tonight, this week, or any time in 2020 to take over the world, resurrect the saints, and begin His millennial reign, or initiate the so-called “Rapture” in 2020? Absolutely not! And those preachers who say that He might, do more harm than good!

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