Bioweapons Whistleblower Karen Kingston Says She's Being Hunted by the CIA for ASSASSINATION

1 year ago


Karen Kingston recently posted this video of herself from the Barceló Maya Hotel in Mexico, saying that it was the first time that she had turned on her phone in 2 weeks, because she's been on the run.

Five days ago, Karen posted this concerning, typo-ridden Substack, in which she claimed, "I have poisoned numerous time since the incidence in FL via aerosoL, food a beverages" and she expressed concern about her son, claiming that the video he posted of himself telling her to call him was a "a weird CGI video imitating him."

She also wrote what she restates in this video, that her personal security guard told her that her message about mobilizing county sheriffs to seize the vaxx from its points of distribution had put her on a government hit list and that she had, at best a 50-50 chance of surviving their intention to assassinate her.

She appears extremely distraught, claiming that she is being "hunted like a dog", that the CIA is trying to assassinate her, because she has laid out the facts about the patented nanotechnology in the Death Shot and called on Constitutional sheriffs to seize the bioweapons and prevent them from further harming their communities. She says that if Dr Robert Malone was really on our side, he would be doing the same. Instead, he claims that Pfizer is immune to prosecution over their bioweapon.

And she believes that Dr Malone has called a hit on her. She begs RFK Jr, Mike Adams and Mikki Willis to contact Dr Malone to "call off" the CIA hit on her.

While it seems unlikely that Dr Malone ordered Karen Kingston's assassination, it is true that since at least 2015, there has been a pervasive pattern of poorly-explained deaths of holistic doctors. By late 2017, the total number of unexpected deaths had surpassed 80 and we recently saw the suspicious death of Dr Rashid Buttar, preceded 6 months previously by the death of Dr Zev Zelenko. Karen notes that Dr Bryan Ardis also claims to have been recently poisoned.

Mike Adams today posted this video, in which he told her directly that going to Mexico was not a good idea and she is NOT safer outside the US, because the CIA has the full authority to do whatever extra-judicial things that they want to do.

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