Decoding De-Dollarization | The Gold Spot

10 months ago

At Scottsdale Bullion & Coin, our Precious Metals Advisors have received a surge of questions related to de-dollarization, with investors wondering what it is and what it means for their investments. While this phenomenon has existed in theory for a long time, it’s finally being put into action.

After WWII, the US dollar became the world’s official reserve currency as the British pound lost significant value due to economic hardship. America’s historic economic growth during this period, along with its large gold reserves, ensured the greenback remained unchallenged.

When President Nixon ended the gold standard in the 1970s, he struck a deal with Saudi Arabia to conduct international oil trade exclusively in USD. This ingenious deal guaranteed ongoing global demand for the dollar in what would become known as the era of the petrodollar system.

Tragically, this system didn’t have the staying power leaders had hoped. A complicated mix of domestic blunders and geopolitical negligence on behalf of the US has driven the Saudis to openly consider accepting other currencies for oil trade - undermining the only foundation propping up the US dollar.

Instead of being viewed as a safe haven that secures wealth and protects against market volatility, the dollar is now seen as a liability or even a weapon. The global shift away from US economic influence and the greenback itself is referred to as “de-dollarization.”

There’s no predicting what currency will fill the resulting vacuum, although contenders exist. For example, the BRICS currency is being proposed by the namesake organization, with 40+ countries asking to join and even more eager to use an alternative to USD.

Watch this week’s The Gold Spot to hear Scottsdale Bullion & Coin Sr. Precious Metals Advisor Steve Rand & Precious Metals Advisor Joe Elkjer explain why the dollar is king, why it’s losing prominence, and what that means for investors. Request your FREE COPIES of our Petrodollar Report & CBDC Reports below.

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