al-Madeenah Since 60+ Years

1 year ago

Every Muslim's heart longs for al-Madeenah. Our souls are sacrificed for the messenger of Allaah MuHammad ﷺ. The prophet ﷺ said that when the Day of Judgement is close al-Eemaan will return to al-Madeenah i.e. be strong there. When you are in al-Madeenah, you feel it. It is here that the Messenger lived ﷺ.

Some companions in the time of the prophet ﷺ wanted to leave al-Madeenah so the prophet ﷺ said
المدينة خير لهم لو كانوا يعلمون
"al-Madeenah is better for them, only if they knew..."

He also said ﷺ,
"من استطاع منكم أن يموت بالمدينة فليمت بها"
"Whoever is able to die in al-Madeenah then let him do so"

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