The World Bank is weaponizing loans as an attempt to ideologically colonize Uganda.

9 months ago

The World Bank has suspended lending to Uganda, over its anti-LGBTQ law. This is a punitive attempt by the World Bank, pushing its ideology and agenda at a sovereign country, and refusing to accept its sovereignty and differing opinion. African countries have suffered at the hands of these Bretton Woods institutions with their conditionality lending and structural adjustment programs, which have kept Africa dependent on their loans. Afribundance applauds Uganda for standing their ground even though we find their anti-gay law egregious. It is hypocritical of the World Bank to suspend lending to Uganda, given that countries with gross human rights violations are still receiving loans. The World Bank is still offering low-interest loans to China even as the genocide of the Uyghurs minority is well documented. Ethiopia is receiving financing from the World Bank, through the recent genocide and as others continue to starve to death! Afribundance calls for the world to hold the World Bank accountable, in its punitive lending programs that refuse to embrace the diversity of opinions and push their unwanted agenda in countries like Uganda.

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