The eye of the beholder is seeking! Wake Up! Message and scriptures at bottom!

1 year ago

We know satan is seeking whom he can devour. He is using entertainment, pushing his evil devices, through secret societies, media, Illuminati, sororities, fraternities and etc..

The eye of the beholder ( Eye of Horus)! I pray people wake up and get their eyes off satan , his thing that leads to him and place eyes on the Lord and things that lead to him! The Lord is calling for His children to wake up!! Things are going that many will not endure because their foundations isn’t strong!

Video: the man said if sharks stop swimming they will die:
If we stop trusting and following the Lord we will die!!

Satan will over come! Please stay in the Lord!

Luke 21:34-38
Luke 22:40
Luke 22:45-6

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