HAPPY DAAMNDAY THUNDER! #ThunderWoodworth 32 today (& We recorded this while in the WhiteHouse🙄)

1 year ago

Video shot from within the WhiteHouse…
“They let Us check in with Our phone”
…🤔 ~{& Our legal first name’s Daamn…}

Thunder Woodworth passed away roughly 13 days after his consciousness {presumably} left his body; his earth capsule was resuscitated {alledgedly 45 minutes after death} & kept alive {speculatorily} for his organs, (Thunder was legally an organ donor.) His death proceeded an overdose with toxicology reportedly listing only (1) drug in his system…
His battle with the disease is all too familiar.
Not only will We continue to battle addiction for the rest of Our life, We actually grew up with the man! He was Our brother before either of Us even knew there was a battle! BUT you dont have to have featured in an episode of Jackass with Thunder to get intomate with his message!!!
Presently listening to the season 3 conclusion of the ThunderDome podcast, the final episode he’d ever host, (or co-host), featuring his spouse #AmyMcCarthy. Followers can listen & learn as the two of them chop up what it means to be an addict, what the disease can look like in a long distance relationship, & ultimately rehash their time together. Thunder’s connection to this woman is only one of the clearly portrayed pieces of this story, this legend.
It was also clear that #TheThunderDome podcast was confidently left to his spouse, as was expressed in a video Thunder released in February of 2022 titled, *JustInCaseIfIDie … Thunder clearly designated his project to Amy; Amy has chosen to make public that she has relapsed during the time her Husband was in a coma. Amy announced on Facebook that she was checking into a longterm rehab-facility. Having already broken her own anonymity, We bring this up for a couple reasons - to help illustrate the devastating impact the disease has within intimate relationships. (We too have attempted to sustain healthy Intimately committed relations with another addict, unsuccessfully.) In a personal message, Amy told Us she checked into treatment the end of July.
This isn’t to say that every relationship involving a couple with the disease of addiction is either unhealthy or destined to fail… We know multiple longterm couples who appear to be ‘in Love’ (engaged with one another & maintaining a life of Recovery.) Meeting these folks within the rooms indicates that the merging of their shared struggle may be their secret ingredient to a Life of Recovery & togetherness. Interesting , yes, but… beside the point.
We write this while listening to Our brother talk with his wife Amy in what was just days ago his latest episode of the ThunderDome. That’s now changed as Season 4 premiered in August 2023, with Amy carrying on the ‘Dome! This is available on Spotify & other podcast streaming apps - as are the first 3 seasons featuring the man himself, the legendary Thunder Woodworth! (Or as he dubbed himself - #AverageThunder )
We’ve yet to listen to the latest Season of the show, though it is on Our priority list… right below piecing together the puzzle of his final moments. Being so close to the fire, We can admit We may not see all the smoke… Maybe We havent accepted that Our brother is gone… Maybe We want someome to blame … We can assure that stepping back to see the flames is Our main prerogative! Realizing everyone processes greif & trauma differently, We refrain from ‘blame’. We know enough of Ourself to know We can’t properly grieve without knowing the facts.
Having been denied access to Thunders doctors, (the ones who allegedly gave the 0% chace of Recovering), We’ve decided to be public as well … asking for any relevant info: *Oxford house roommates, *EMT’s, *close friends … Daamn… even his dealers or using buddies…. THUNDER CHOSE THIS- We only wish to finish the puzzle so We can rest… iopiob@proton.me
-DaamnKam @DaamnTalk
“Where People Proceed InFormation.”

⭐️ ThunderDome podcast on Spotify:

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