A Specialized Congress of Experts: Instead of Jacks-of-all-Trades

1 year ago

Congress has grown too excessive from when it was first adopted with only 13 colonies,
& far less confusing topics.
Thus, the plague of too many non-expert persons voting per important decision exists.
Answer: House of Rep. voted in (assigned) by their Specialization:
creating smaller voting groups specific to 1 major topic:
Each group only votes on its minor topics.
Financial (30 repr.)
Human Rights (30 repr.)
Ecology (30 repr.)
Animal rights (30 repr.)
Government (20 repr.)
Health (40 repr.)
Poverty (30 repr.)
International (30 repr.)
Agriculture (30 repr.)

Exceptions: The decision changes of going to War
and changes to the Voting system, which would be voted upon by all groups.

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