10Aug23 ATF says "We're Coming for Gun Shows"; FAA Criminal Referrals for Anti-Maskers

10 months ago

OUTLINE of today's show with TIMECODES
ATF says "We're Shutting the Gun Shows Down"
The unbelievable targeting of a small town teacher, pastor, and "kitchen table" FFL by an out of control, unconstitutional BATF who after their attack tell him to tell his friends, "we're shutting the gun shows down". (2:44)
FAA giving TENS OF THOUSANDS in fines (no trial, no due process)
AND now criminal referrals to FBI for "unruly passengers" who didn't want to wear masks (29:28)

Flight attendant fired by Southwest Airlines for complaining about the union celebrating a pro-abortion rally in DC.  Here's the problem — she was fired for supposedly hateful and harassing because she sent a protest correspondence that had pictures of aborted babies and a video of an abortion.  Wasn't that what they were celebrating? (39:50)

AI replacing fortune tellers and psychics? (49:02)
More Criminal Charges for Silent Prayer — But THIS is What You Should Fear…
Not just a fine, but criminal charges against a military veteran for praying silently as police demand to know what he's praying about.  They FEAR prayer.  Let that sink in.  And yet is there anything to worry about when Mega Churches like Saddleback turn worship into a cringe clown show, mocking God? (1:05:27)
INTERVIEW WorldCoin "Tool for Humanity"? CBDC Goes Twilight Zone The globalists thought poor countries would be easy pickings but  African nations are showing they're not willing to sell their souls. "Debanking" escalates, China and other nations continue move away from dollar and toward gold, and PayPal is up to its old tricks of being a key member of the "Deputized State" Tony Arterburn, DavidKnight.gold, join s(1:31:51)

 DARPA (Pentagon) funded study to use AI to detect violations of social norms (2:09:48)

Why did Jamie Foxx cower before the anti-Christian mob?  His post was not anti-Semitic (2:20:47)
Planned Parenthood's role in sex trafficking. 
If people upset by "Sound of Freedom" want to do something, focus on Planned Parenthood.  They're at the center of so much criminal  behavior by so many people and institutions (2:22:03)
Record July temperatures? Hottest year ever? 
Urban "Heat Islands" & Pants-on-Fire Climate Liars
A full court press by the propaganda press and government.  Here's how they twist weather to fit their climate MacGuffin (2:37:44)

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