SoulCast - Cosmic Waves and Solar Rays

1 year ago

You are here because you are strong, courageous, and are a light in the darkness with your capacity to love.

The sun and the energy of the sun’s solar flares, solar storms and CME’s (Coronal Mass Ejections) impacts our lives. The sun is very active and as we experience its emissions, they increases our sensitivity to the higher frequencies. Light is the way the Universe gives us new data and information to work with. The method of delivery for this new encoding and activation of our DNA are coming to us in the form of Cosmic Waves and Solar Rays.

Each on of us is being bombarded with some many kinds of energy you’re ascending and at the same time you’re becoming more intuitive and empathic which means you’re picking up more than you used to. It can be overwhelming. Call upon Archangel Michael or another angel or Ascended Master that you like to work with to help you adapt to these energies. You may want to place a shield of protection around you so you don’t confuse others issues as your own.

We are also receiving energy from the center the center of our Milky Way Galaxy. This is a beautiful 12th dimension divine feminine energy. It is coming to help balance the masculine and feminine energies here on our earth and solar system. We get to honor the beautiful balanced masculine and feminine archetypal energies as they help us ascend and transcend the distorted energies of the past.

Write down the things that are going right in your life and the evidence of God’s hands working in your life every day.

We come from unconditional love, and we will go back to unconditional love. It is the one infinite power that guides, controls, and creates all that is. We are increasing our capacity to receive more love, and it up to us to refine that love. It is a process of both the quantity and quality of the love we give and receive.

If you would like some personal one-on-one assistance please reach out to me at and we can schedule an appointment for Soul Coaching, Intuitive Counseling or Energy Healing and Clearing.

Also, if you are interested in Getting Healthy, Helping Others and Financially Thriving please email me at and put Healthy and Strong in the subject line we can schedule an appointment where I can show you what I’m doing to see if this Opportunity is a good fit for you.

You can find me at:
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• Social Media: Twitter, Facebook, Instagram, Telegram and Truth Social
• Love and Gratitude Jar: Venmo @Soululaire-1

I hope you allow yourself to feel the love and light you are receiving this week.

Love you,

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