Do We Have to Obey Paul's Writings Also?

1 year ago

Are Paul's writings truly God's word? Join us on the #BibleBashedPodcast as we delve into the authority of Paul's letters. #ReformedChristianity #BiblicalInerrancy #WordofGod #PaulineEpistles


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Welcome to the Bible Bashed Podcast, where we engage in thought-provoking discussions on Reformed Christianity. In this episode, we delve into a crucial question: "Are Paul's writings truly God's word?"

Examining the authority of Paul's letters, we discover a profound connection to the divine. Jesus Himself referred to Paul as the instrument through which God's word was revealed. As 1 Corinthians 14:37 states, "If anyone thinks that he is a prophet or spiritual, he should acknowledge that the things I am writing to you are a command of the Lord."

Furthermore, Jesus Himself emphasized that the Holy Spirit would come and bring forth the word of God after His departure. In John 15:26-27, He declared, "But when the Helper comes, whom I will send to you from the Father, the Spirit of truth, who proceeds from the Father, he will bear witness about me. And you also will bear witness because you have been with me from the beginning."

The apostles, including Paul, were empowered by the Holy Spirit and performed miraculous signs to establish their authority. These sign gifts were unique to that time, serving as evidence of their divine commission.

Rejecting Paul's writings and relying solely on the literal words of Jesus in the Gospels can lead to a distorted understanding. It is crucial to recognize that Jesus Himself is referred to as the Word of God. However, Jesus affirmed the role of the Holy Spirit in continuing to reveal God's truth.

Furthermore, claiming to follow only the literal words of Jesus while disregarding other inspired writings can be a dangerous justification for disobedience. It is essential to remember that obedience to God's commands is a vital aspect of faith.

Join us on the Bible Bashed Podcast as we explore the significance of Paul's writings as God's word, the role of the Holy Spirit, and the importance of embracing the full counsel of Scripture. Let's seek a deeper understanding of Reformed Christianity and strive to reflect Christ in our lives. #PaulineEpistles #AuthorityofScripture #ReformedChristianity #WordofGod #HolySpiritRevelation #DivineInspiration #BibleBashedPodcast

#PaulineWritings #GodsWord #ReformedTheology #BiblicalAuthority #HolySpiritRevelation #FullCounselofScripture #DivineInspiration #WordofGod #BiblicalInerrancy #ObeyingGodsCommands #SpiritualAuthority #MiraculousSigns #GospelTeachings #FollowingChrist #BibleBashedPodcast #ReformedChristianity #ScripturalUnderstanding #DivineCommission #SpiritualDiscernment #ObedienceToGod #UnderstandingScripture

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