WTFR The Pushback 09-08-2023

10 months ago

On this week's installation of The Pushback, Joss is joined by Colin, Leo, Trish, & Emma (the Star Lady). We engage in our usual roundtable banter round a rectangular table, & discuss how our reptilian overlords plan to drain our blood this week.

Emma gives her weekly "astrology weather report," so we'll all have a better idea of how to duck & weave, so the reptilians can't get to us.

In other news, we talk about new crematoriums being built.. Do we need more crematoriums? Do the reptilians know something the rest of us don't? How many are they expecting to die?

We also talk about health, alternative treatments, & we chat a bit about the new internet (web3) which will likely become a necessity for anyone who refuses to adopt an extreme left wing/communist way of thinking, or who refuses to shut up about how EVERY INSTITUTION IN THE WEST IS UNDER COMMUNIST OCCUPATION.

Censorship is only going to get worse - especially after the UK Online Harms Bill is rolled out on the 26th August 2023.

Define online harm... will ALL vitriolic hate be considered wrong, or will it still be acceptable for radical leftists to call for extreme violence toward conservative thinkers who have concerns about the appropriateness of certain agendas being pushed in schools? Will reason & balanced debate be verboten? THIS is why we need a new internet - one which CANNOT be censored by the blob.

This isn't 1984, it is 2023. Last I checked, England was a free country. I, & a great many others intend for it to stay that way, so we will have to fight tooth & nail against anti-democratic ideas which are ravaging our institutions like a pack of rabid dogs, & we must do all we can to exclude infiltrators, & every other malevolent force which is against us. There are plenty of them right now.

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