Heaven Land Devotions - Hearts of Fiery Flames

11 months ago

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A long time goes by for many believers who do not ever feel the inspiration of the Lord. They read their Bibles and devotions in hopes to receive a touch from God. But then nothing happens.

Yet because in their hearts they love the Lord and have made up their minds to always be faithful, they press on. But there comes a day where the books and extended Bible reading is shut up and set aside for a little time. The interesting thing is there is nothing but a surge of power within from the Holy Spirit.

It is a strange thing, but a very accurate knowing it is the power of the life of Jesus Christ. There is a mighty feeling of a wanting to let it burst out. Jeremiah said that God's word felt like a fire shut up in his bones and he could not hold it in. Jeremiah 20:9.

Do you ever feel that way? If you do it is because God is getting ready to allow His word and life to come out of you. Only He knows what it is and when to release it.

Along with that power there is a leaping courage, freedom and timing that will be performed in you and for you. Then when you are in action you will feel like the champion King David running in the path of God's commands. Like "the chariots of Amminadib" outstripping the wind.

"I think God wants to make me pure gold, so He is burning out the dross, teaching me the meaning of the fire, the burnt offering, the death of the self-part of me."
~ Amy Carmichael

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