Cam- Darkness

1 year ago

I'm absolutely stoked to drop you my newest track, "Darkness." But wait, there's more excitement on the horizon!! "Darkness" isn't just a song…it's a sonic adventure through the labyrinth of life's twists and turns.

Picture this…I’ve channeled all those moments when you've felt like you need a map to navigate your own existence. Ya, we've all been there, haven't we? From feeling lost and crossed to rising from the lows and getting back up, "Darkness" paints a candid portrait of grappling with our own shadows. I tried to make the verses a symphony of raw emotions. You’ll find me spilling the beans about betrayal, battles and the pursuit of betterment. And the chorus? It's the anthem of those times when we've felt utterly drained but decided to make our way back to the light, our own light!! I try and channel that "done with everything" vibe we've all flirted with. I mean, who hasn't wanted to trade places with a different version of themselves at some point? The song takes us on a ride through the aftermath of heartlessness, reminding us that even when the darkness prevails, we're not backing down.

But that's not all. I'm absolutely thrilled to share that "Darkness" has found its own spotlight and I’ve been asked to submit it for the soundtrack of the upcoming movie "Spaceless." So, not only will you get to groove to "Darkness," but hopefully you'll also catch its essence adding depth to the silver screen.

I can't wait for you to experience "Darkness." It's a rollercoaster ride of emotions, a dance of resilience and a celebration of those times we've said, "You know what? I'mma rock this, regardless." Together, we'll navigate the depths, rise from the ashes and dance in the shadows like they're our own spotlight.

Remember before you hit play, grab your headphones, find your cozy corner, and let "Darkness" surround you. Experience the highs and lows, the moments of vulnerability and strength, in a way that's truly captivating. Let the music be your guide as you navigate the emotional landscape of the song.

Thanks again for all your support!!

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