"Real History" with Melissa - Ep. 30 - "Neil Foster --- I'm a Woman" - Aug. 10, 2023

1 year ago

Broken Air Conditioners - Keeping the Bees Cool - Watching the Hens Grow - Garden Update - K-nep Environment - Going Back to Work Driving, Amazon - Unionizing Drivers - The "Alien" Letter to "Congress" -- Advice from the Extraterrestrials - Movie, The Day the Earth Stood Still - UFOs and Benevolent Aliens - Twilight Zone episode, How to Serve Man - South African Politican, Julias Malema, "Kill the Boer" - Elon Musk, White Genocide and the Farm Killings - South Africa's Problems - Food Shortages, Famine, Starvation, Food Inflation - Cooking and Home Economics No Longer Taught - 13 Countries Nations Agree to Abolish Farming to "Save the Planet" - Dutch Farmers; The Global War on Farmers -
UN World Food Programme's David Beasley; Millions Marching Towards Hunger - The Show of Philanthropy; Bono - Trained to Worship the Wealthy - The Millionaires Buying Beachfront Houses Despite "Rising Sea Level" - Lying Politicians - The Aspen Institute, Lifetime Trustees, CFR and Trilateral Commission; Henry Kissinger, Crown and Pritzker Families from Chicago - Illinois Governor JB Pritzker Signed Bill Allowing Non-Citizens to Become Police Officers; Peacekeepers - Transgender Double Murderer, Breast Augmentation on Taxpayers - Urban Alchemy Nonprofit, Ex-Convicts Clean Up Homeless - Psychopathy - Bill Gates, Mosquitos, Malaria - Disease X; Porton Down - Neil's Upcoming Trip to Scotland - Angry North and Boris's Bitches song, "I'm a Woman" - Edwin Black's book, War Against the Weak: Eugenics and America's Campaign to Create a Master Race - Next Week, Brandon Turbeville (Neil has Interviewed) - Grow a Garden.

Cutting Through the Matrix

Fact Check: Was Letter Sent by Aliens Read Out at Congress UFO Hearing?

I'm a Woman - A song by Angry North & Boris's Bitches

The Day the Earth Stood Still

Alien Confused As Earth Leaders Try To Explain All The Human Genders (Babylon Bee)

South African political leader calls for violence against White citizens at rally: 'Kill the Boer, the farmer'

13 Nations Agree to Abolish Farming in order to 'Save the Planet'

Alex Newman - Climate Change

Man Swearing about Climate Change

Florida school district says trans employees can’t use pronouns, bathrooms that match their gender identity

JB Pritzker signs bill allowing noncitizens to become Illinois police officers

Forced Sterilization in the United States

“Disease X” Was Rehearsed at “Clade X” Are We About to See A New Plandemic?

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