A Conversation with Leah Blevins Herron......

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1 year ago

President of 2AWomen, a national organization dedicated to the Second Amendment.......From 2AWomen.org website.
Our 2nd Amendment is under an unprecedented attack. While there are a number of national organizations fighting for gun rights, all have been missing one vital element...the passion of women on the front lines in mass numbers.
When women get passionate about a cause, amazing things happen.

2AWomen is a non-partisan national organization of women committed to defending the 2nd Amendment.We are the pro-gun answer to the anti-gun radical organization, "Moms Demand Action"...Not all of our members are gun owners or shooters, but they all understand that the 2nd Amendment is a RIGHT, not a government issued privilege.There are a number of amazing organizations that celebrate women and guns, ladies shooting leagues, etc, and all of them SAY they are pro-2A, yet, when the gun rights battles are taking place throughout the states across America, you rarely see those ladies in the trenches actually fighting for the gun rights of the people.
We don’t doubt that women shooters support the 2nd Amendment, however, SAYING you are pro 2nd Amendment is one thing. Getting in the trenches in the gun rights battles and politically duking it out with the anti-gun radical organizations is another.2AWomen are women who are staying on top of gun rights issues in their respective states, not just once a year, but EVERY DAY.They don't just make a once a year trip to DC to meet with lawmakers. Their legislators know them by first name because of their consistent presence and contact on all issues 2nd Amendment.These ladies educate the people on those issues through social media sharing, email, personal phone calls, community meetings and knocking on doors.These ladies are the ones who show up and fight for the 2nd Amendment at their state capitols or city halls when their representatives are trying to pass anti-gun legislation or policies.These are the ladies who organize letter writing campaigns to their state and US congressmen to stop anti-gun legislation through community pressure.These are the ladies who contact media outlets in their states and hold press conferences to get free press to let the public know when their legislators are considering legislation that infringes on their 2A rights.In other words, these ladies don't just say they are 2A warriors. They live the fight EVERY day.Our founder, Jan Morgan, a 2A Analyst on Fox, CNN, and numerous media outlets, has been referred to as the 1st Lady of the 2nd Amendment for her years of work on the national level as an educator, defender, and speaker warrior during the most critical gun rights battles/events in America. When the people of Illinois were fighting for conceal carry rights, the Illinois Gun Owners Political Action committee flew her in for the fight. Jan taught pistol classes and held meet and greets, donating all the proceeds to pay for legal fees during the legal battle for gun rights in Illinois. When the Safe Act was up for a vote in New York, Jan Morgan was there on the steps of the capitol, addressing a crowd of over 9000 people to apply pressure to stop the legislators from voting away the gun rights of the people of that state. Jan has been involved in gun rights battles in over 20 states.For years, people said, "we need a Jan Morgan in our state."Now... that statement of need is a reality, with 2AWomen chapters in every state, a state chair, and county chapters/chapter leaders.2AWomen assists other grassroots gun rights organizations as well as national gun rights organizations that take a no compromise position on gun rights.
Our goal is to stop anti-gun radicals from trampling the gun rights of the people in America.After all, the right to keep and bear arms is the ultimate in feminine protection. The 2nd Amendment is our last line of defense to keep government tyranny at bay.
We hope you will join us!
OUR MISSION STATEMENT FROM FOUNDER, JAN MORGAN:I created 2AWomen which is all about the fastest group of gun purchasing, gun toting, gun competing, 2nd Amendment people in America.... WOMEN!
You do not have to be a woman to become involved in this movement. In fact, I hope men will love it and share it on their pages to reach all the women they know who need to become lovers and supporters of the 2nd Amendment.
We all know that when a woman gets passionate about something, she will move hell and earth to make the world love it as well.
This is why I created 2AWomen.
I want women to understand the importance of our 2nd Amendment... to teach her children about gun rights and shooting sports because they are our future 2A advocates!
She does not have to shoot guns. She does not have to love guns, but we need women to be motivated to help us fight to make sure our 2nd Amendment rights are off limits to the government.
I believe that there is truly a WAR ON WOMEN... and taking away our 2nd Amendment right to bear arms is a leading strategy of Hillary Clinton in this war.
This site celebrates our 2nd Amendment... It will empower women who shoot, train, and love shooting sports.
It will always be classy... tasteful... and enlightening!
Always feel free to message us any articles or memes that you think would be great for our Facebook page!
And...please... if you like what you see here, SHARE OUR SITE with your friends!
Jan Morganhttps://www.2awomen.org/about
Get in Touch 
225 Blacksnake Road,
Hot Springs, AR 71913

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