I Quit Porn after 10 years of Watching

1 year ago

Here is a snippet of my reason why I feel the need to speak up about this issue of porn.

Never would I have guessed that I would be putting this out to the world.

I always thought it would be something I could hide forever.

I was wrong....

Keeping this addiction hidden only made it worse.

It made the cravings worse. It made the lying and hiding worse.

It took a woman breaking up with me for me to fully see how detrimental this was for my brain, my future relationships, and my confidence as a man.

I am sure many people watching have never told anyone about this habit of theirs.

I hope that today that will change.

I want you to know that you are not alone and there are people out in the world fighting for you.

If you want to talk with me about my struggles or your experience, I would be totally willing to talk.

I hope this message reaches anyone who needed to hear this today.

#nofap #noporn #quitporn #relationship #courage

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